Sector feedback on draft Integrated Quality Assurance Framework

Late last year, NZQA completed a six-week public consultation on proposed changes to the draft Integrated Quality Assurance Framework (iQAF). A summary of submissions from the sector is available at:

Consultation on the draft Integrated Quality Assurance Framework

Proposals for the high-level design of the iQAF include:

  • the quality assurance cornerstones that set out roles and responsibilities 
  • the enablers which underpin a supportive and responsive regulatory environment that encourages compliance and continuous improvement 
  • the levers and related regulatory activities for NZQA to effect change where this is needed. 

We received 62 submissions from groups and individuals involved in tertiary education (excluding universities) and the education sector.

Overall, the high-level design for iQAF and its key components was well received, with many submitters interested in the next layer of detail on how the new framework would work in practice.

The feedback has informed the next phase of work, where we are further developing the framework and quality assurance rules, tools, processes and associated fees. We will consult with the sector on this next phase later in 2025.

If you have questions, please email  

Sector feedback on qualifications framework

NZQA consulted on changes to the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) and Rules in October and November 2024. While the 44 submitters identified some specific areas of concern and improvements, they broadly agreed that the proposed changes are appropriate overall.

The submissions have informed the final changes to the NZQCF and Rules, which will be considered by our Board and the Minister of Education. Some responses will inform future policy and rule considerations.

Once the changes are approved, we will communicate them along with the processes, timelines and transition arrangements. We anticipate the updated NZQCF and Rules will come into effect on 1 July.

Many thanks to everyone who took the time to submit thoughtful and valuable feedback.

View the summary of feedback [PDF, 626 KB]

Review of reo Māori unit standards

NZQA Māori Qualifications Services (MQS) has completed the review of the reo Māori unit standards. The new versions of these standards are now available.

Reo Māori assessment support material

Subfield - Reo Māori (external link)

Key changes

Sixteen new unit standards have been developed which will gradually replace the current reo Māori standards. Four new domains have been created to house the unit standards from Level 1 to Level 4.

For more information about the review of these standards, see:

Transition details

Level 1 and 2 standards – version 3 of these standards will remain on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards (DASS) until further notice.

Explore the DASS (external link)

Level 3 and 4 standards – the last date for assessment of the expiring standards is 31 December 2026.

Consent to assess

Education organisations, schools and kura who have consent to assess for the current reo Māori standards will automatically be granted consent to assess for the new reo Māori standards.


For further updates or enquiries, please contact MQS:


Free webinars on overseas qualifications

NZQA is organising a series of free public webinars about recognising overseas qualifications and New Zealand’s obligations under the UNESCO higher education recognition conventions. 

The webinars will provide information about qualifications recognition good practice, where to find information, how to identify fraud, and country spotlights.

The webinars are for anyone who makes decisions about, or is interested in overseas qualifications for admission into tertiary institutions, professional registration, immigration or employment in New Zealand. They will be delivered by experienced credential evaluation staff at NZQA. 

The first webinar will explore emerging trends and strategies to detect and manage fraudulent qualification documents.

Webinar title: Degrees of Deception

Date: Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Time: 12-1pm

Register your interest at Overseas qualifications in New Zealand (external link)

Newly registered private training establishments

Four private training establishments (PTEs) have been registered by NZQA since December 2024:

  • Elite Safety Training Limited (4421) trading as: Elite Safety Training 
  • Tie-Upp (4422) trading as: Tie-Upp Aviation Pro
  • Rural Aid (4416)
  • Mainz Limited (4420) trading as: Let's Go.

Details can be found by using the NZQA website search:

Education Organisations (external link)

NZQA processes

TEO issue of certificates for qualifications and micro-credentials

Specifications for the format of certificates for qualifications and micro-credentials can be found at:

Issuing New Zealand qualification and micro-credential achievement certificates

If you need copies of the NZQCF logos referred to in the specifications, contact our Client Services team at

Lapse of programme or micro-credential accreditation

If a programme or micro-credential has not been delivered by a TEO for 12 months or more, the TEO’s accreditation will lapse.

You can apply for an extension to programme or micro-credential accreditation before the date of any lapse by emailing

Keep your PTE current

If you only have accreditation for one programme or approved micro-credential, and it is not delivered for 12 months of more, your organisation’s registration will lapse.

To avoid this, you can apply for an extension of time. Apply for this extension before the 12 months of non-usage ends by emailing

For more information about PTE registration see:


New guide to student complaints 

Most learners in Aotearoa New Zealand have a good study experience, but sometimes issues can arise.

Raising issues early with the education provider gives students the best chance of working them out together. If the issue cannot be resolved, students can get help from a range of organisations. The Learner guide to complaints provides guidance about how and where to raise complaints.

Learner guide to complaints (external link)

Paying on time

Failure to pay NZQA invoices on time could lead to an automatic lapse of registration and course closure for your students.

The lapse is not a discretionary decision and cannot be reversed later. You would need to re-apply for registration and accreditation before you could start delivering again.

If you have any questions about an NZQA invoice, please contact us as soon as possible.

Unfunded international providers data submission

PTEs that enrol international students need to submit their international student enrolment and provider data to the Ministry of Education. This data is used to calculate payments for the Export Education Levy. PTEs make the payments three times a year.

If you are an unfunded PTE enrolling international students, visit the Ministry’s website for more information:

Paying the export education levy – non-funded PTEs (external link)

Student Fee Protection arrangements

We recommend that you regularly review your student fee protection arrangements to make sure they still fit your needs and the requirements in the Student Fee Protection Rules.

Things to check include:

  • Are your courses (still) exempt (i.e. under $500)?
  • Have you got approval for the mechanism you are using?
  • Do you want to change your mechanism?
  • Do you want to change your trustee?

If you want to change your arrangement, read through our student fee protection pages:

Student fee protection information for PTEs

Email us at to discuss further.

Coming up this quarter

Send NZQA your... Who? By when?

Annual declarations 

Different forms for PTEs and TEIs

TEOs with a financial year-end of 31 December 2024 31 May 2025
Independent Assurance Practitioner's Review Report or
Auditor's Report
PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 December 2024 31 May 2025
Audit of Student Fee Protection arrangements  PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 December 2024
Find out who is exempt
31 May 2025

Quarterly student fee protection attestation

Quarter ending 31 May 2025

Providers not exempt:
- static trusts
- bank bond trusts 
Not required for standard trusts
To trustee by 9 June 2025
To NZQA by 16 June 2025

Fit and Proper Person and Conflict of Interest declarations

Submit a new or amended declaration:
- before any new governing member starts
- if an existing governing member has a new or changed conflict of interest
- if an existing governing member has a change in their fit and proper person status

See Section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link)

PTEs only:
- applying for registration
- registered PTEs
As needed

Forwarding information and queries

Forward the above documents and any queries to:

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