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For Achieved, the student needs to use music skills in a music style.
This involves identifying and applying skills consistent with that music style.
This student has used aural skills to identify a music style (classical guitar) and learn music in this style by ear. They have then applied technical skills to learn a particular performance technique associated with classical guitar. The focus of the student’s technical skills is to play chords by using picked arpeggio patterns. Harmonics, dynamics, rhythmic flow, and maintaining the melodic line are also identified and applied consistently in the classical style.
The student's written description identifies the key elements and features inherent in the style of music and how they have focused on these elements in their play back.
Achieved part 1 video
Achieved part 2 video
For Merit, the student needs to use music skills effectively in a music style.
This involves applying developed music skills consistent with that music style.
This student has worked collaboratively to apply developed aural and digital music skills in the recreation of an indie-rock song on a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).
The resulting sound recording is highly effective, as evidenced by an accurate recreation of the melody, harmony, beat, and texture in keeping with the music style of the original song.
Together with developed aural skills, the student demonstrates effective musical decisions through a range of production techniques, such as use of reverb, fade, and extensive quantising.
The student's written description identifies the key elements and features inherent in the style of music and how they have focussed on these elements in their recreation.
Merit video
For Excellence, the student needs to use music skills fluently in a music style.
This involves applying extended music skills consistent with that music style.
This evidence of a transcription of a flute solo has secured Excellence. It demonstrates the application of fluent music skills through highly accurate notation, including articulation and dynamic markings, rhythmic changes, and accidentals in the melodic line.
The student's written description identifies the key elements and features inherent in the style of music and how they have focussed on these elements in their transcription.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
Download all written exemplars and commentary [PDF, 928 KB]
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