AS 91623 Annotated exemplars

Implement complex procedures to create an applied design for a specified product (3.23)

Technology | Level 3
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 5.8 MB]

TKI Technology assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91623 Exemplar Low Excellence (PDF | 780 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to efficiently implement complex procedures to create an applied design for a specified product.

This involves undertaking the procedures in a manner that economises time, effort and materials.

The specified product is a child’s backpack.

The student has interpreted a complex screen printed design that requires careful registration of multiple screens and colours. Trialling of two different screen printing techniques was undertaken to determine the equipment, materials and complex techniques required to create the design (not shown). Testing was also undertaken to demonstrate that the applied design enhanced the aesthetics of the product, as specified (not shown).

Evidence of economy of time (1) when implementing the complex procedures was demonstrated through the student’s efficiently organised workspace, tools, equipment, flowchart to guide their process, and through their use of a hairdryer to reduce drying time between layers.

Evidence of economy of effort (2) when implementing the complex procedures was demonstrated through the student’s use of prior knowledge when trialling the complex techniques.

Evidence of economy of resources (3) when implementing the complex procedures was demonstrated through the student’s careful attention towards not wasting resources during trialling and implementation of the applied design.

For a more secure Excellence, the assessors could make a judgement about the ways in which procedures were implemented, as well as the quality of the applied design for the product. Annotating an assessment schedule is one way for the assessor to confirm judgements around whether the student has worked in a manner that economises time, effort and materials. These annotations could be derived from classroom observation and/or discussions with students.

High Merit

91623 Exemplar High Merit (PDF | 310 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to skilfully implement complex procedures to create an applied design for a specified product.

This involves showing independence and accuracy in undertaking the procedures.

The specified product is a jacket for a formal occasion.

This student has interpreted a complex design that requires careful registration, definition and multiple coloured threads. Trialling (1) has been undertaken to determine the equipment, materials and complex techniques required to create the design.

The student has also undertaken testing to ensure the accurate registration and quality finish for the machine-embroidered motifs. Duplicate testing also meant the student could independently (2) determine the equipment, materials and complex techniques required to create the design. As a result, each of the floral motifs were skilfully and accurately (3) applied on the fabric.

The assessor has annotated the assessment schedule (4) with comments confirming that the student has worked independently and accurately. These annotations came from observations made in the classroom.

For Excellence, evidence of how the student undertook the procedures in a manner that economises time, effort and materials is needed.

Low Merit

91623 Exemplar Low Merit (PDF | 292 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to skilfully implement complex procedures to create an applied design for a specified product.

This involves showing independence and accuracy in undertaking the procedures.

The specified product is a decorative dice tray with inlays.

Trialling (1) has been undertaken to determine the equipment (drum sander and band saw), materials (rimu, pine and linseed oil) and complex techniques required to create the design.

The student has undertaken testing (2) to ensure an accurate router depth for the inlays. Testing also meant the student could independently determine the equipment, materials and complex techniques required to create the design. As a result, each of the inlays were skilfully applied to the tray. The final applied design enhanced the aesthetics of the product (3).

For a more secure Merit, additional evidence demonstrating how the applied design met specifications is required. While some evidence can be deduced from the student’s work, additional evidence of them working accurately and independently could also be included. For example, it could be noted in the assessment schedule how the student wore PPE without reminders, or tested the settings on the CNC after other students had been using it to ensure that the carve was accurate (4).

High Achieved

91623 Exemplar High Achieved (PDF | 1.1 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures to create an applied design for a specified product.

This involves:

  • interpreting a complex design to determine an applied design medium suited to the product
  • trialling to determine the equipment, materials and complex techniques required to create the design
  • undertaking appropriate tests to demonstrate that the applied design enhances the product as specified
  • applying complex techniques that comply with relevant health and safety regulations.

The specified product is a jacket for a formal occasion.

The student has undertaken appropriate trialling (2) of a Cricut cutting machine, hand-done embroidery, and freehand machine embroidery (not shown) to determine the most suitable medium for their product.

The student has tested the combination of techniques (3) and undertaken visual checks of alignment, colour and finish. They have also used stakeholder feedback (4) to ensure that the applied design suited the product. The final product and evaluation demonstrate that the applied design enhances the product aesthetically and meets specifications (5).

Safe practices were followed in the classroom (not shown).

To reach Merit, the student could have undertaken further testing to ensure the design was applied skilfully and with accuracy. Teacher annotations on an assessment schedule, as evidence of what they took as student displays of independence, is another way to confirm Merit judgements.

Low Achieved

91623 Exemplar Low Achieved (PDF | 219 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures to create an applied design for a specified product.

This involves:

  • interpreting a complex design to determine an applied design medium suited to the product
  • trialling to determine the equipment, materials and complex techniques required to create the design
  • undertaking appropriate tests to demonstrate that the applied design enhances the product as specified
  • applying complex techniques that comply with relevant health and safety regulations.

The specified product is a cheese board.

The student has undertaken appropriate trialling (2) of resin inlay, timber inlay and laser etching to determine the most suitable medium for their product.

Tests (3) included visual checks of size, alignment, depth of cut and feed rates to ensure the applied design suited to the product.

The final product and evaluation demonstrate that the applied design enhances the product aesthetically and meets specifications (4). The student also followed safe practices in the classroom (5).

For a more secure Achieved, the student could have shown further evidence of trialling to determine the equipment, materials and complex techniques required to create the design, e.g. trialling of the resin and timber inlay techniques, and with different timbers.

High Not Achieved

91623 Exemplar High Not Achieved (PDF | 3.3 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures to create an applied design for a specified product.

This involves:

  • interpreting a complex design to determine an applied design medium suited to the product
  • trialling to determine the equipment, materials and complex techniques required to create the design
  • undertaking appropriate tests to demonstrate that the applied design enhances the product as specified
  • applying complex techniques that comply with relevant health and safety regulations.

This student has interpreted a complex design of a cherry blossom flower (1) to determine an applied design medium that is suited to a fashion top.

They have undertaken appropriate trialling of a Cricut cutting machine, digital printing (outsourced) and screen printing to determine the most suitable medium for their product (2). The student has tested to establish that the design enhances the product (3), and applied the chosen medium to fabric to create an applied design (4).

To Achieve, evidence of further trialling to determine the equipment, materials and techniques required to enhance the product is needed, e.g. alignment, viscosity and colour of the ink.

Attestation of how the applied design enhances the product aesthetically, and how it meets specifications, requires either a conceptual design to be communicated or the actual garment to be manufactured from the fabric.

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