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Low Excellence
For Excellence, students need to efficiently implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves students undertaking techniques and tests in a manner that economises time, effort and materials.
This student’s project was to create a cabochon ring. Sketches were used to show the ring that was to be made. These include detail of the special features that the ring would have, i.e. a handmade bezel, ring shank, soldering and textured components (2).
Scheduling techniques and tests in a construction plan enabled the best use of time and effort to be achieved (3).
Testing was carried out independently, and the results recorded (4) and evaluated (5). Visual checks ensured materials were accurately marked out and cut, joins soldered correctly, the stone placed symmetrically, and specifications met.
The student worked efficiently by keeping components safe, planning ahead, following guidelines, and economising materials (6).
Accurate recording of evidence and teacher verification shows how the consistent application of accepted conventions and techniques were carried out with precision (7).
A cabochon ring with clearly identifiable structural and aesthetic special features was presented (1).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could show more evidence of economising time. Teacher annotations state that, while waiting for help with some highly complex techniques, the student could have continued on with another aspect of the project.
High Merit
For Merit, students need to skilfully implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves students showing independence and accuracy in the execution of techniques and tests.
This student’s project was to create a cabochon ring. They explained their proposed design and special features (1). Teacher-given specifications were developed further by the student and confirmed with the teacher.
The relevant advanced craft skills and testing required to make the ring is accurately documented on a construction plan (3). Photographs (2) and annotations (4) indicate that problems were resolved independently. Test results also support that procedures were implemented skilfully (5). The teacher verifies that the student worked independently and accurately when implementing procedures (6), and complied with health and safety regulations (7).
To reach Excellence, procedures need to be implemented with more efficiency. Practice in attaching the bezel to the shank would allow the most suitable technique to be selected (economising time and effort). In this case, sweat soldering may have enabled a more quality finish. Efficiently implementing procedures would also ensure that a replacement cabochon was not needed (8).
Low Merit
For Merit, students need to skilfully implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves students showing independence and accuracy in the execution of techniques and tests.
This student’s project was to create a cabochon ring. They outlined specifications for the ring that they would make (1). A construction schedule details the techniques and tests executed (2).
A record of evidence shows the manner in which advanced procedures were implemented (5), and how all health and safety regulations were adhered to (6).
Accuracy was achieved by measuring, shaping and fitting the shank correctly using appropriate tools, and checking that the bezel is the correct weight, height and size for the stone (3).
Appropriate testing ensured that the final product accurately met specifications. For example, visual checks were made to ensure that the bezel fit the shank correctly, and that the ring was the right size (4).
For a more secure Merit, independence would need to be shown further in the execution of techniques. For example, the student had problems getting the desired flush finish when fitting the bezel to the shank. Although this step was detailed in the construction schedule (2), the student had to be reminded to sand both the shank and bezel to enable a good finish.
High Achieved
For Achieved, students need to implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves:
- selecting techniques to achieve special features
- undertaking testing to monitor special feature construction and demonstrate that the product meets specifications
- applying techniques to comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student’s project was to create a cabochon ring. Specifications for the ring, including special features, were established by testing initial ideas with paper and copper. This enabled the student to check for fit and comfort, and to determine if the special features (an oval shaped bezel and a twisted detail) were achievable (1).
Appropriate techniques were selected and detailed on working drawings (3) and a construction schedule (4).
The record of evidence (5) validates that techniques were carried out in compliance with health and safety regulations.
The manner in which some testing (2) was carried out diminished the quality of the finished look of the ring.
To reach Merit, the student would need to show a higher degree of independence and accuracy. Some techniques were challenging for the student, and this required steps to be repeated numerous times. Teacher reassurance was needed before moving onto the next step.
For example, shaping and joining techniques should have been carried out with minimal teacher help. Checking of tolerances and the fit and flush of solder joins could have been more consistent, allowing the finish of the cabochon ring to be carried out to a higher standard.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, students need to implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves:
- selecting techniques to achieve special features
- undertaking testing to monitor special feature construction and demonstrate that the product meets specifications
- applying techniques to comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student’s project was to create a cabochon ring. A ring with special features was designed to meet specifications (1), and a working drawing (2) was completed.
Teacher annotations state that later modifications were made to ensure that the ring would be finished on time, and at an appropriate skill level. Structural and aesthetic components are detailed (3).
A construction plan (4) and testing sheet (6) show the techniques selected. These were carried out in a manner that complied with relevant health and safety regulations, as observed by the teacher (5).
The testing checklist (6) gives some indication of how the outcome from testing was used to show that the ring met specifications.
For a more secure Achieved, this student would need to undertake techniques more carefully to construct the cabochon ring to specifications. For example, because the student was unfamiliar with techniques, the quality of the join (bezel to the shank) was only just satisfactory (7).
The teacher annotations also state that prompting was needed to ensure that the required tests were completed. While some prompting is acceptable, students should be able to carry out these procedures without too much teacher guidance.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, students need to implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves:
- selecting techniques to achieve special features
- undertaking testing to monitor special feature construction and demonstrate that the product meets specifications
- applying techniques to comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student’s project was to create a cabochon ring. The student evidence gives some indication of techniques being selected (2) and testing occurring (3) (4).
The student produced a ring that was fit for purpose.
To reach Achieved, the student would need to show that they could consistently follow techniques, undertake appropriate testing, and comply with health and safety regulations during construction, to ensure that a cabochon ring that met specifications is completed.
Teacher annotations confirmed that not all procedures were carried out correctly, and in a way that complied with relevant health and safety regulations.
For example, a check of measurements (as detailed in journal) before cutting would have ensured the shank was accurately sized (5). By not undertaking this test, the shank needed to be stretched to the correct size (6). The result is a shank that is outside the accepted tolerances of symmetry as indicated in the working drawings (7).
Although this student produced a ring that was fit for purpose (1), too much teacher assistance was required in order to complete it within the expected timeframe.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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