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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to efficiently implement complex procedures to integrate parts using resistant materials to make a specified product.
This involves undertaking procedures in a manner that economises time, effort, and materials.
This student has made a charcoal powered barbeque with rotisserie. The product requires precise iteration of two or more pre-prepared parts.
The teacher’s observational comments support the student’s skilful and efficient implementation of complex procedures (1).
The student evidence shows they have carefully considered the plasma cutter settings to minimise wastage (2). The student also economised material by testing complex procedures on waste pieces, and by measuring twice before cutting (not shown in the evidence).
The student tested different welding methods to ensure the most efficient use of time when implementing the final complex procedures (3). They also trialled the sprocket and rotisserie fit-up to economise time, and an unnecessary step was removed from the manufacture process (4).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could have ensured that all processes were carried out with economised effort. For example, by providing evidence of consistently using a preplanned schedule, therefore ensuring that all tests and trials were relevant and purposeful.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to skilfully implement complex procedures to integrate parts using resistant materials to make a specified product.
This involves showing independence and accuracy in undertaking procedures.
This student has made a neckpiece from a variety of metals. The product requires precise iteration of two or more pre-prepared parts.
The teacher’s observational comments support the student’s skilful and efficient implementation of complex procedures (1).
To inform the choice of complex procedures for making the parts, the student undertook extensive trialling (2). They carefully considered the choice and set-up of equipment, resources and the workshop as parts were prepared for integration (3).
The student also mocked up the final outcome in an ongoing manner (4), using templates and guidelines to ensure precise integration (5). Preparation and integration of parts were managed by adhering to a work schedule (6).
Evidence of testing, trialling and the work schedule itself all demonstrate that the student has worked independently and ensured an accurate outcome (6).
To reach Excellence, evidence of how the student undertook procedures in a manner that economised time, effort and materials is required. If assessor comments are used to attest to the efficient implementation of complex procedures, it should be explicit as to how the student has met the criteria for Excellence.
Robust evidence of health and safety, measurable product specifications and a record of feedback are all also recommended for higher grades.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to skilfully implement complex procedures to integrate parts using resistant materials to make a specified product.
This involves showing independence and accuracy in undertaking procedures.
This student has made a workbench with a wooden base, steel frame and stainless steel top. The product requires precise iteration of two or more pre-prepared parts.
Evidence of independence is also shown, as the student followed a personalised work schedule that outlines key construction tasks and the required techniques (1).
The student undertook trialling (2) to inform the choice of complex procedures. This allowed them to work as independently as possible during the manufacture.
The student scheduled corresponding tests for accuracy to be undertaken prior to the completion of each key task (3). Their final specifications confirm how the product was within requirements, which is a measure of accuracy (4).
For a more secure Merit, the teacher’s observational comments should attest that the student was supported by the assessor only when required.
To reach Excellence, the student could have undertaken procedures in a manner that economises time, effort and materials.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures to integrate parts using resistant materials to make a specified product.
This involves:
- trialling and using feedback to inform the selection of complex procedures to make the product
- scheduling techniques and tests for precise preparation and integration of parts
- preparation of parts for integration
- preparation of the integration environment
- integrating parts to ensure product meets specifications
- ongoing testing against reference points to reduce error in the integration of parts undertaking preparation, integration and testing to comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student has made a set of drawers. The product requires precise iteration of two or more pre-prepared parts.
The student has used feedback, testing and trialling to inform the selection of complex procedures required to make a carcass (1). They have also prepared the parts of the carcass for integration by manufacturing the individual components (2).
Preparation of the integration environment has been confirmed (3), and reference points have been used to check dimensions and test the integration of components (4). Parts of the set of drawers have been integrated to make a bespoke piece of furniture that meets specifications (5).
The assessor has confirmed that the student followed health and safety guidelines (6) and that this is supported by folio evidence (not shown in student evidence).
To reach Merit, an image of the final product (a functioning integrated set of drawers) is required, along with evidence of how the student demonstrated working with independence and accuracy.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures to integrate parts using resistant materials to make a specified product.
This involves:
- trialling and using feedback to inform the selection of complex procedures to make the product
- scheduling techniques and tests for precise preparation and integration of parts
- preparation of parts for integration
- preparation of the integration environment
- integrating parts to ensure product meets specifications
- ongoing testing against reference points to reduce error in the integration of parts undertaking preparation, integration and testing to comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student has made a triangular wall storage unit with two shelves and a French cleat. The product requires precise iteration of two or more pre-prepared parts.
This student has used trialling and feedback to inform the selection of complex procedures for making the shelves and triangular case (1). They have scheduled techniques and tests for precise preparation and integration, e.g. by dry assembling the shelves (2).
Evidence shows the preparation and manufacturing of individual components prior to their integration (3). The student has broadly tested against reference points to reduce error, e.g. by using prepared edges and a protractor to regularly check angles.
Preparation of the integration environment has been confirmed (4), and the student has integrated the shelves to meet specifications (5).
The assessor has confirmed that the student followed health and safety guidelines (6).
For a more secure Achieved, explicit evidence of feedback and the scheduling of tests for precise integration is required.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures to integrate parts using resistant materials to make a specified product.
This involves:
- trialling and using feedback to inform the selection of complex procedures to make the product
- scheduling techniques and tests for precise preparation and integration of parts
- preparation of parts for integration
- preparation of the integration environment
- integrating parts to ensure product meets specifications
- ongoing testing against reference points to reduce error in the integration of parts undertaking preparation, integration and testing to comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student has made a standing metal cabinet with shelves and a hinged door. The product requires precise integration of two or more pre-prepared parts.
The evidence shows that the student used trialling and feedback to inform the selection of cutting and joining methods (1). They also undertook tests for precise integration of parts, e.g. by checking dimensions were correct, and that components were square, parallel and level (2).
Evidence of preparing parts for the integration environment is seen throughout the photographs (3), and this complied with relevant health and safety regulations (4).
The student prepared the integration environment by testing against reference points to reduce error (5), and the parts were integrated to meet product specifications (6).
To reach Achieved, evidence of a schedule of techniques and tests needed to precisely prepare and integrate parts is required, e.g. a production plan prepared prior to manufacture.
Evidence of trialling and feedback could also be more in-depth.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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