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NZQA National Qualifications Services has completed the review of nine qualifications and the listing of four new NZCEL qualifications.

The annual national secondary schools’ Ringa Toi Student Exhibition has opened at Te Papa in Wellington, showcasing Toi Māori and Pacific artwork.

NZQA National Qualifications Services has completed the review of English Language and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) standards.

NZQA Māori Qualifications Services invites feedback on three draft reviewed Tourism Māori qualifications, levels 3-5.

NZQA had the pleasure of welcoming the Chairman of the Philippines’ Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and a delegation of five CHED officials to N

NZQA National Qualifications Services has completed the following development of the Foundation Skills - Te Ara Tupu skill standards.

Māori Qualifications Services are pleased to offer new assessment support material for six Environment Māori unit standards.

NZQA has published an Insights paper looking at NCEA achievement and how six key indicators show change over time.

NZQA Māori Qualifications Services has completed the following review of the Ngā Mahi a Te Whare Pora assessment standards.

The Minister of Education, Hon Erica Stanford, has announced NZQA Board appointments.

Insights paper: Schools support ākonga Māori and Pacific students to attain UE.

NZQA has released its Annual Report on NCEA, University Entrance and New Zealand Scholarship Data and Statistics from 2023.
What's new on the website, and recent media releases.