EER practice to be observed in 2023

During 2023 we will be conducting observations of the enquiry phase of a limited number of EERs. 

The observations are expected to identify evaluator enquiry practices based on:

  • what questions evaluators ask
  • how evaluators ask questions.

The observations will contribute to EER processes and evaluators’ self-assessment. The aim is to identify, maintain and support the consistency of our EER evaluator practices. The observation findings will be collated, analysed and used to provide examples of good practice and areas for improvement.

Your EER is the evaluators’ priority; the observer(s) will not take part in the EER. TEOs will continue to provide feedback on the EER as a whole at the end of the closing meeting and after the EER has been finalised and the report published.

The observations are starting with three pilots in March 2023 to allow adjustments to the observation framework. The remaining observations will take place during the rest of 2023.

Thank you in advance for your support for this important initiative, intended to benefit all of us involved in quality assurance in the tertiary education sector. 

Submitting applications to NZQA for delivery in 2024

To help with your planning and processes for internal quality assurance, below are the cut-off dates for submitting applications for programmes of study you want to deliver in 2024.


You can submit degree applications to NZQA at any time. Informing NZQA (your A&A contact) three months before submitting the degree application will help us meet your intended timelines.

If you want new degree approvals and/or accreditations or Type 2 changes to existing degrees ready for Semester One of 2024, please submit the application to NZQA before 28 July 2023.

Level 7 Diplomas

Talk to your A&A contact for guidance before starting the development of a Level 7 Diploma.

Programmes of study at levels 1-6

You can submit applications at any time.

If you want to be ready for Semester One of 2024, please submit your application to NZQA before 6 October 2023 for:

  • new approvals and/or accreditations for programmes of study at levels 1-6
  • Type 2 changes to existing level 1-6 programmes.

Please call or email your Approvals and Accreditations contact if you need more information.

NZQA Rules updated

NZQA has updated its Rules to reflect amendments to the Education and Training Act that came into effect on 1 August 2022, and to ensure the rules remain up to date and fit for purpose. The updated Rules are available on our website:

NZQA rules (external link)

The changes follow public and stakeholder consultation conducted last year. They are different from the Assessment Rules for schools with consent to assess. Changes to those Assessment Rules are made annually and are published on 1 February each year.

The related guidance and forms on our website will be updated over the next few months to reflect the updated Rules.


Updated information on micro-credentials is now available at:

Guidelines for micro-credentials (external link)

Thank you for your feedback

We would like to thank everyone who took part in workshops and information sessions and provided feedback and submissions throughout this process. We also welcome feedback on our guidelines and related information as they are updated.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Code of Pastoral Care

Promoting the Code to learners

It is important for learners to know about the Code so that they understand what services and support are available to them during their studies.

For tertiary providers, our Digital Toolkit has optional resources you can use to assist students know and understand the Code. Look at the webpage to access the materials and feel free to use them during orientation and throughout your learners’ enrolment period.

For schools, you can share the iStudent flyer and three videos which have been made for international learners.

Go to the Digital toolkit (external link)

Download the iStudent flyer (external link)

Go to the Know the Code videos (external link)

Translated Code summaries

We now have translated summaries of the Code to support your diverse learner groups and their whānau. Translations include German, Korean and Spanish.

You can find and download the full list at:

Tertiary and International Learners Code of Practice (external link)

2023 workshops

NZQA will be facilitating monthly Code 101 workshops for tertiary providers and Code signatories throughout the year.

Our first workshop this year will be in March. You can register via the links below:  

Please note: If minimum attendance/registration numbers (10) are not met, registered attendees will be invited to attend the next scheduled workshop.

Our 2023 plan

Please see our 2023 Code Administrator Plan for an outline of our activities and expectations of providers for this year:

2023 Code Administrator Plan

Self-review attestation dates for 2023

We are planning to keep the same attestation due dates for 2023, as follows:

  • PTEs and wānanga - 1 November 2023
  • Schools with international Code signatory status - 1 December 2023
  • Te Pūkenga - 31 May 2024

Please let us know if you have any feedback on these dates, or if you have any questions.

We will email you six weeks before the due date with guidance on how to complete your attestation.

ISANA NZ conference 2023

Registrations are open for the ISANA NZ 2023 conference: Growing international education: Strengthening capacity and ensuring sustainability, at AUT, 23 and 24 March 2023.

Plenary speakers and workshop presenters will be exploring key issues and sharing evidence-based strategies and tools for a sector in recovery mode. Most presentations will be highly relevant to and helpful for developing Education Code of Practice competencies.

Check out the conference programme and register (external link)

For more information, email:

Any questions about the Code?

For further information about the Code, see:

Tertiary and International Learners Code of Practice (external link)

If you have any questions, please:

Capability building workshops for monitoring and assessment

Te Aroturuki me te Aromatawai (Monitoring and Assessment team) invites all TEOs to a capability building workshop, ‘Good practice with moderation’.

This is an online, two-hour professional development session for academic staff, quality assurance leads, programme leads and anyone who conducts or oversees moderating assessment materials and learner work.

There is no charge.     

The dates are: 1, 3 and 5 May 2023. Please save these dates in your calendar.

We will send you more information soon and a link to register for the workshops directly.

Assuring Consistency workshops for 2023

To help providers prepare for consistency reviews, we are continuing to offer free Assuring Consistency workshops in 2023, delivered via Zoom.

The three-hour workshops are particularly useful for organisations that have a consistency review coming up, or for new staff who will need to understand the process and evidence requirements for future involvement in consistency reviews.

You can register for a workshop at:

2023 Assuring Consistency Workshops (external link)

NZQA processes

TEO issue of New Zealand qualification and micro-credentials achievement certificates

Specifications for the format of certificates for qualifications and micro-credentials can be found at:

TEO issue of New Zealand qualification and micro-credential achievement certificates (external link)

If you need copies of the NZQF logos referred to, please contact our Client Services team at:

Lapse of programme accreditation or micro-credential approval

If a programme or micro-credential has not been delivered for 12 months or more, the provider’s programme accreditation or approval to provide the micro-credential will lapse.

You can apply for an extension to programme accreditation or micro-credential approval prior to the date of any such lapse by emailing:

New rules are now in place for the approval and accreditation of micro-credentials. If your organisation already has approved micro-credentials, you will continue to hold approval for these.

From this year (2023), existing micro-credentials will be aligned with the new rules.

See Guidelines for micro-credentials (external link)

Keeping your PTE registration status current

Where your organisation has accreditation for only one programme or approved micro-credential, and it is not delivered for 12 months of more, the organisation’s registration will lapse.

To avoid this, you can apply for an extension of time to stop your programme or micro-credential from lapsing. This also prevents your registration from lapsing.

Apply for this extension before the 12 months of non-usage ends by emailing:

For more information about PTE registration see:

Change of ownership

Registered private training establishments planning a Sale of Shares, Transfer of Shares or Introduction of New Shareholders need to apply for NZQA approval pursuant to Rule 6.1.1(b) of the Private Training Establishment Registration Rules 2021.

Applications must be made no less than 30 working days before the proposed transaction completion or settlement date. An application form outlines the information that NZQA requires.

Application for change of ownership of a registered PTE [DOCX, 79 KB]

See how to submit the application online (external link)

For more information see:

Change of ownership (external link)

Permanent delivery sites – what to apply for

If you are a Category 1 or 2 provider intending to deliver a programme at levels 1-6 or a Level 7 Diploma, please complete the Permanent Delivery Site Approval Form:

Download the Permanent Delivery Site Approval Form [DOCX, 181 KB]

If you are intending to deliver a degree (levels 7-10) at a new delivery site, which is already registered with NZQA as a permanent site, please submit an application for that degree programme via the ‘other’ option.

The NZQA website has information about approving delivery sites:

Approval of delivery sites (external link)

If you have any questions about programme applications, please email:

Coming up this quarter

Send NZQA your Who? By when?

Annual statutory declaration (external link)

Different forms for PTEs and TEIs

Providers with a financial year-end of 31 December 2022 31 May 2023

Annual financial return (external link)

Independent Assurance Practitioner's Review Report or

Auditor's Report

PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 December 2022 31 May 2023
Audit of Student Fee Protection arrangements (external link) PTEs with a financial year-end of 31 December 2022
Providers not exempt (external link)
31 May 2023

Quarterly student fee protection attestation (external link)

Quarter ending 31 May 2023

Providers not exempt (external link):
- static trusts
- bank bond trusts
Not required for standard trusts
To trustee by 7 June 2023
To NZQA by 14 June 2023    

Fit and Proper Person and Conflict of Interest declarations (external link)

Submit a new or amended declaration:
- before any new governing member starts
- if an existing governing member has a new or changed conflict of interest
- if an existing governing member has a change in their fit and proper person status

For the definition of governing member see: Section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link)

PTEs only:
- applying for registration
- registered PTEs
As needed

Forwarding information and queries

Forward the above documents and any queries to:

Sign up to eQuate