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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of a range of choreographic processes.
This involves:
- providing reasons for the selection of specific choreographic processes in choreographic exercises
- showing understanding of the purposes and/or appropriate applications(s) of a range of processes
- demonstrating critical understanding of the effects of a range of choreographic processes
This student has demonstrated in-depth understanding by using a previously taught phrase to develop variations of the phrase for a group showing awareness of decisions relating to space, time, and relationships. They have then critically analysed the positive and negative effects of these processes (video 1) (1).
The student has reflected on and evaluated the choreographic processes used to create movement to show key ideas from the original stimulus of the story of Ranginui and Papatūānuku (video 2) (1) (2). These demonstrate understanding ssof a small range of processes and their purposes.
For a more secure Excellence, the student needs to apply the choreographic processes more appropriately and effectively in practical tasks. The written analysis shows critical understanding of these processes but the practical application could be stronger. For example, after reflecting on what was effective and what was not the student could further refine the dance sequences to show the effects of implementing these choreographic decisions.
Further, a wider range of processes could be addressed, explored and analysed.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate informed understanding of a range of choreographic processes.
This involves:
- demonstrating understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a range of choreographic processes
- selecting and applying aspects of the processes in choreographic exercises
- evaluating the effectiveness of a range of processes to produce dance.
This student has demonstrated informed understanding by researching choreographic processes used by two choreographers, succinctly identifying key aspects and providing reasons for the selection of these processes in the choreographers’ work (1).
The student has developed a clear choreographic intention, made informed decisions about how to develop movement to show this and explained how that movement can be varied and developed (video 1).
Aspects of the processes in choreographic exercises have been implemented by manipulating a taught phrase to develop and vary the original movement through repetition, unison, canon and varying direction and formations (video 2).
Choreographic processes have been appropriately applied to create a group sequence, with informed understanding of how the movement has been choreographed to communicate central ideas from the original stimulus of the myth (video 3) (2).
To reach Excellence, the student needs to make more detailed reference to why the choreographers researched have used the processes identified and back this up with examples demonstrating in-depth understanding. Further, the taught phrase needs to be manipulated in more interesting ways and critically evaluated to highlight the effects and purposes of the processes used.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate informed understanding of a range of choreographic processes.
This involves:
- demonstrating understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a range of choreographic processes
- selecting and applying aspects of the processes in choreographic exercises
- evaluating the effectiveness of a range of processes to produce dance.
This student has used the visual stimulus of a kōwhaiwhai pattern to create a clear, detailed and thoughtful choreographic intention. Further, the student has shown informed understanding by creating choreographic exercises to explore potential movement to show this intention (video 1) (1).
The student has described one way the movement could be manipulated and what the effect of this manipulation would be (video 1).
Appropriate choreographic processes have been applied to change movement by manipulating a taught phrase to create variations of that movement, e.g. in size, speed, direction (video 2).
The student has developed and selected appropriate movement to show key ideas in the myth and described how these selected movements were successful in showing these ideas (video 3) (2).
For a more secure Merit, the student should demonstrate informed understanding of the disadvantages of choreographic processes used in the exercises they explored, e.g. identifying movement not chosen to be included in the dance and explaining why these were not included. Describing which of the manipulated movements in video 2 were most effective and why would strengthen the evaluation aspect of the work.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of a range of choreographic processes.
This involves:
- researching and/or practically exploring a range of choreographic processes
- demonstrating understanding of the generic steps involved in making a dance
- demonstrating understanding of variations in choreographic processes
- implementing aspects of the processes in choreographic exercises.
This student has demonstrated understanding by exploring and implementing aspects of several processes. For example, practically exploring a range of choreographic processes such as identifying a choreographic intention and creating movement to communicate that intention (video 1) (1).
The student has used a taught phrase to develop variations of the phrase for a group showing awareness of decisions relating to space, time, and relationships (video 2). They have then selected, combined and structured movements to convey ideas from the given myth (video 3) (2).
To reach Merit, and demonstrate informed understanding, the student needs to discard some movement material in the Ranginui and Papatūānuku sequence that did not communicate ideas and justify this decision. Further, they could provide an explanation for the variation of the movement in the taught phrase and evaluate the effectiveness of the processes used to create the movement in videos 1, 2 and 3.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of a range of choreographic processes.
This involves:
- researching and/or practically exploring a range of choreographic processes
- demonstrating understanding of the generic steps involved in making a dance
- demonstrating understanding of variations in choreographic processes
- implementing aspects of the processes in choreographic exercises.
This student has demonstrated understanding by exploring and using aspects of several choreographic processes. For example, they have identified and noted some of the choreographic processes and choices of two choreographers (page 1). The student has also selected an appropriate stimulus (kōwhaiwhai pattern) and identified a simple choreographic intention from this (video1).
Using the visual stimulus and choreographic intention, the student has created and explored simple shapes and loco-motor movement (video1). They have selected appropriate movements and then combined these to communicate ideas in the story of Ranginui and Papatūānuku in a group dance sequence (video 2) (2).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could ensure the written analysis of the choreographer’s work identifies the actual processes used by the choreographer, not just what is seen in the dance as a result of those processes. Explanation of which moments in the group sequence were most effective and therefore chosen to be included in the dance also needs to be included.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of a range of choreographic processes.
This involves:
- researching and/or practically exploring a range of choreographic processes
- demonstrating understanding of the generic steps involved in making a dance
- demonstrating understanding of variations in choreographic processes
- implementing aspects of the processes in choreographic exercises.
The student has begun to demonstrate understanding of choreographic processes by selecting appropriate movements and then combining these to communicate ideas in the story of Ranginui and Papatūānuku in a group dance sequence (see student work).
To reach Achieved, the student needs to further explore the use of choreographic devices, such as canon to manipulate and develop movement in more varied ways. The implementation of choreographic exercises needs to be less limited. For example the development of the movement needs to be more than a slight contrast in the directions or tempo.
Further, the student needs to explain and explore how choreographic processes were used to communicate ideas about Rangi and Papa. Some key moments developed to communicate ideas are identified but the processes used to develop this movement have not been explained (see student work).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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