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For Excellence, the ākonga is required to justify the use of elements to create a section of a Te Ao Haka item.
This involves a 30-second composition piece (1), accompanied by three elements (2/3/4) and the intended effects of the elements (5), explaining what the intended effects of the elements are, and why they have that effect (6).
Te Ao Haka 2.1 Activity A (external link) -
Excellence exemplar A - Te Reo Pākehā
The ākonga focuses on a whakataukī and how they have used the whakataukī to compose a message to encourage their peers to engage in school.
91980 Excellence exemplar A [PDF, 79 KB]
Excellence exemplar B - Te Reo Pākehā
The ākonga focuses on the creation of an original, student-generated piece of music.
91980 Excellence exemplar B (written) [PDF, 47 KB]
Excellence exemplar C - Te Reo Māori
He titonga hou tēnei. He waiata-ā-ringa e kōrero ana mō Ngāti Whātua.
For Merit, the ākonga needs to apply elements to create a section of a Te Ao Haka item.
This involves a 30 second composition piece (1), accompanied by three elements (2/3/4) and the intended effects of the elements (5).
Te Ao Haka 2.1 Activity C (external link) -
Te Ao Haka 2.1 Activity B (external link) -
Merit exemplar A - Te Reo Pākehā
The ākonga (first in stage left) focuses on the creation of an original choreographed piece of a section of a Te Ao Haka item.
91980 Merit exemplar A (written) [PDF, 129 KB]
Merit exemplar B
The ākonga focuses on an original written composition dedicated to her grandfather.
91980 Merit exemplar B (written) [PDF, 48 KB]
Merit exemplar C
The ākonga focuses on the creation of an original choreographed piece of a section of a Te Ao Haka item. The performance can be viewed online:
For Achieved, the ākonga is required to explore elements to create a section of a Te Ao Haka item.
This involves a 30 second composition piece (1), accompanied by three elements (2/3/4).
Te Ao Haka 2.1 Activity C (external link) -
Exemplar A - Te Reo Pākehā
The ākonga (first in stage right) focuses on the creation of an original choreographed piece of a section of a Te Ao Haka item.
91980 Exemplar A Achieved (written) [PDF, 148 KB]
This annotated exemplar is intended for kaiako use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of ākonga evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help kaiako make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
Download all commentary [PDF, 927 KB] (external link)