AS 91650 Annotated exemplars

Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui (3.1)

Te Reo Māori | Level 3
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 387 KB]

TKI Te Reo Māori assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91650 Exemplar Low Excellence (PDF | 164 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to whakarongo kia mātau ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui.

This involves:

  • ka mātau ki te matū o ngā whakaaro
  • ka kōtui i ngā aria matua o te kōrero, i ngā whakaaro, i ngā tirohanga rānei i whakamahia hei kawe i te kōrero.

The standard requires evidence from a minimum of two listening tasks – one piece is exemplified here.

This student demonstrates comprehensive understanding of the issue being discussed. They have given detailed and accurate information about the issue of whether traditional customs need to change in order for the culture and language to survive (1).

The student distinguishes between the perspectives of Chris, the father, who thinks traditional customs need to change (2) and Tūpoutahi, the son who disagrees (3). The subtleties of both points of view are highlighted and explained with the supporting evidence from the listening passage (4).

In the final discussion, the student concludes that the issue is complex and there may be no simple solution.

For a more secure Excellence, the student could have supported their viewpoint (5) with evidence from the passage to support their response.

High Merit

91650 Exemplar High Merit (PDF | 166 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to whakarongo kia mārama ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui.

This involves:

  • ka mārama ki te kiko o ngā kōrero
  • ka tautohu i ngā kōrero pono, i ngā whakaaro me ngā tirohanga o te kōrero.

The standard requires evidence from a minimum of two listening tasks – one piece is exemplified here.

This student demonstrates a clear understanding of the issue being discussed. They have given a detailed and accurate response about the issue of whether traditional customs need to change in order for the culture and language to survive (1).

The student distinguishes between the perspectives of Chris, the father, who thinks traditional customs need to change (2) and Tūpoutahi, the son who disagrees (3). Some relevant information has been selected to support the view points (4).

In the final discussion, the student has formed an opinion related to the issue and used evidence from the passage to support their response (5).

To reach Excellence, the student could identify more subtle details to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the listening passage. For example, the student could have mentioned that by paying people to look after the marae (6) it will make tikanga about money and not love.

Low Merit

91650 Exemplar Low Merit (PDF | 89 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to whakarongo kia mārama ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui.

This involves:

  • ka mārama ki te kiko o ngā kōrero
  • ka tautohu i ngā kōrero pono, i ngā whakaaro me ngā tirohanga o te kōrero.

The standard requires evidence from a minimum of two listening tasks – one piece is exemplified here.

This student demonstrates a clear understanding of the issue being discussed. They have given a detailed response about the issue of whether traditional customs need to change in order for the culture and language to survive (1).

The student distinguishes between the perspectives of Chris, the father, who thinks traditional customs need to change (2) and Tūpoutahi, the son who disagrees (3). Some information has been selected to support the view points (4).

In the final discussion, the student has formed an opinion related to the issue (5).

For a more secure Merit, the student would need to give additional detail to demonstrate an in depth understanding of the whole passage. For example, the student could have added that young people who have language and cultural knowledge should be allowed to take up roles on the marae.

High Achieved

91650 Exemplar High Achieved (PDF | 124 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui.

This involves:

  • ka whai i te ia o ngā kōrero
  • ka mōhio te pūtake, ki ngā ariā matua hoki o te kōrero.

The standard requires evidence from a minimum of two listening tasks – one piece is exemplified here.

This student demonstrates an understanding of the issue being discussed. They have given a response about the issue of the problem around the shortage of speakers on the marae (1).

The student briefly outlines the viewpoint of Chris, the father (2), and Tūpoutahi, the son (3). Some information has been selected to support the view points (4).

Some responses contain examples of the detail expected at Merit level. For example, the student has correctly identified Chris’s belief that it does not matter what age the person is, as long as they know what to do (5). He says even though this is not allowed, it should be (6).

To reach Merit, the student could identify additional information to show a clear understanding of the listening passage and use examples to support their response.

Low Achieved

91650 Exemplar Low Achieved (PDF | 106 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui.

This involves:

  • ka whai i te ia o ngā kōrero
  • ka mōhio te pūtake, ki ngā ariā matua hoki o te kōrero.

The standard requires evidence from a minimum of two listening tasks – one piece is exemplified here.

This student demonstrates an understanding of the issue being discussed. They have given a response about the issue of the shortage of speakers on the marae (1).

The student briefly outlines the viewpoint of Chris, the father (2), and Tūpoutahi, the son (3). Some information has been selected to support the view points (4) although some responses lack accuracy. For example, the student states there is no one to welcome people onto the marae which is incorrect (5).

For a more secure Achieved, the student could show understanding by identifying more information from the listening passage with greater accuracy.

High Not Achieved

91650 Exemplar High Not Achieved (PDF | 83 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui.

This involves:

  • ka whai i te ia o ngā kōrero
  • ka mōhio te pūtake, ki ngā ariā matua hoki o te kōrero.

The standard requires evidence from a minimum of two listening tasks – one piece is exemplified here.

This student identifies some of the main ideas for each speaker. For example, they have identified the purpose of the discussion (1) and some of the ideas expressed by each speaker (2).

To reach Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate an overall understanding of the listening passage by outlining the viewpoints of both speakers in relation to the issue being discussed.

See all Te Reo Māori assessment resources