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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to undertake efficient project management to support technological practice.
This involves optimising time and material use to ensure completion of an outcome, through ongoing reflection of the practice undertaken, and revision of project scheduling.
This student has undertaken project management to support the development of a shop window for a retailer exploring visual merchandising, product development, graphic design and branding.
The student has provided evidence of using tools to optimise time and material (1) use to ensure completion of an outcome. Ongoing reflection of practice undertaken is seen in the critical review (2). Revision of project scheduling has been done in an ongoing manner (not exemplified).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could undergo further revision of the project schedule.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to undertake effective project management to support technological practice.
This involves:
- demonstrating project scheduling informed by a critical analysis of existing practices in project management
- reviewing progress at critical review points to revise and/or confirm project scheduling to ensure completion of an outcome.
This student has undertaken project management that supported the development of home workstation.
The student has provided evidence of project scheduling (1) informed by a critical analysis of existing practices in project management (2). The progress has been reviewed at critical view points and has been revised to ensure completion of an outcome (3).
To reach Excellence, the student could optimise time and material use to ensure the completion of an outcome by further effective use of planning tools.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to undertake effective project management to support technological practice.
This involves:
- demonstrating project scheduling informed by a critical analysis of existing practices in project management
- reviewing progress at critical review points to revise and/or confirm project scheduling to ensure completion of an outcome.
This student has undertaken project management to support the development of a shop window exploring visual merchandising, product development, graphic design and branding.
The student has demonstrated project scheduling (not shown here) informed by critical analysis (1) of existing practices in project management (2).
Evidence is provided of reviewing progress at critical review points to revise project scheduling to ensure completion of an outcome (3).
For a more secure Merit, the student could review progress in further depth at critical review points to revise project scheduling to ensure completion of an outcome.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to undertake project management to support technological practice.
This involves:
- establishing a project schedule reflective of the physical and social environment where the outcome is to be developed and implemented, informed by existing practices in project management.
- implementing the project schedule to coordinate goals, planning tools, resources and progress review points in a coherent manner to ensure completion of an outcome.
This student has undertaking project management to support the development of a website and corresponding database for a school tuck shop.
The student has established a project schedule (1) reflective of the physical and social environment where the outcome is to be developed (2) and implemented (not shown here). The student’s practice has been informed by existing practices in project management (3).
The student has implemented the project schedule to coordinate goals (4), planning tools (5), resources (not shown here), in a coherent manner to ensure the completion of an outcome.
To reach Merit, the student would need to provide evidence of revising the project scheduling or confirming that the schedule is appropriate to ensure the completion of the outcome, and providing further evidence of analysis of existing practices in project management to inform project scheduling.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to undertake project management to support technological practice.
This involves:
- establishing a project schedule reflective of the physical and social environment where the outcome is to be developed and implemented, informed by existing practices in project management
- implementing the project schedule to coordinate goals, planning tools, resources and progress review points in a coherent manner to ensure completion of an outcome.
This student has undertaken project management to support the development of a textiles project to make a garment suitable for her client to wear.
The student has provided evidence of establishing a project schedule (1) reflective of the physical and social environment where the outcome is to be developed and implemented (not shown here), informed by existing practices in project management (2).
Evidence is seen of how the student has implemented the project schedule to coordinate goals (3), planning tools used (4), resources and progress review points (5) in a coherent manner to ensure completion of an outcome.
For a more secure Achieved, the student would need to show evidence of the implementing of the project schedule to achieve goals rather than producing just an initial plan. Also, the student could show evidence of revising their project at critical review points.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to undertake project management to support technological practice.
This involves:
- establishing a project schedule reflective of the physical and social environment where the outcome is to be developed and implemented, informed by existing practices in project management.
- implementing the project schedule to coordinate goals, planning tools, resources and progress review points in a coherent manner to ensure completion of an outcome.
This student has undertaken project management to support the development of an appropriate garment to be worn to a formal function during a medical conference.
The project schedule (1), that is reflective of the physical (2) and social environment (not exemplified) where the outcome is to be developed (2) and implemented, has been established. The student has provided evidence of being informed by existing practices in project management (3).
The project schedule to co-ordinate goals has been implemented. Planning tools (4), resources (5) and progress review points (6) in a coherent manner to ensure the completion of an outcome have been implemented.
To reach Achieved, the student could provide evidence that the project plan supported the technological practice by showing the updates of actual progress against the planned progress, and that their practices were informed by existing practices in project management.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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