Kete Manarua - Te Ao Haka

Assessment specifications, tasks and schedules for Te Ao Haka Kete Manarua

Submitting ākonga entries

Entries are submitted by the Principal's Nominee (PN) at your school or kura.

When submitting entries, make sure ākonga are entered into the correct assessment opportunity.

If you're a Principal's Nominee, you can ask your NZQA School Relationship Manager for help submitting entries.

If you experience any issues, you can contact the data team on:

How to submit Kete Manarua

Find the Te Ao Haka assessment dates

The new digital submissions tool

Kete Manarua submissions for Te Ao Haka (except for Te Ao Haka Scholarship) should be made using the new digital submission tool.

This is available in the new MyNZQA learner and school assessment portals.

Please note that with the new digital submissions process, learners are responsible for uploading their own files.

How to use the new digital submissions tool

Please note: Kete Manarua submissions for Te Ao Haka Scholarship (93700) should be made using the existing submission process (Google Drive via Schools Provider Login).

How to use the existing digital submissions system

Need help?

If you need support uploading Kete Manarua submissions for Te Ao Haka, please call the NZQA Contact Centre:

0800 697 296

It's open from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.