Key Dates and Information

20 October

Deadline for entries for Common Assessment Activities (Literacy/Numeracy/Te reo matatini/Pāngaru)

23 October

Labour Day

24 October

Confirm with NZQA three-way exam clash arrangements

25 October

Submission of candidate work, and attendance rolls for the following external standards: (collected from schools)

  • Dance – NZ Scholarship
  • Design and Visual Communications (DVC) – Levels 1, 2, 3 and NZ Scholarship
  • Education for Sustainability – Level 3
  • Music –NZ Scholarship
  • Health and Physical Education – NZ Scholarship
  • Technology – Levels 1, 2, 3 and NZ Scholarship
  • Visual Arts Level 1 – Verification portfolios and ALL provisional results must be entered

Submission of candidate work for Level 1 Pilot subjects.

See a complete list of subjects [PDF, 269 KB]

30 October – 3 November

Assessment Opportunity:

  • 32403 Literacy (Reading) – Assessment Master
  • 32405 Literacy (Writing) – Assessment Master
  • 32406 Numeracy – Assessment Master
  • 324112 Pāngarau – Assessment Master or Submission

1 November

Data file submission due – include all derived grades and correct any errors or warnings from previous submissions and send any additional candidate information in this file

2 November

Visual Arts Level 2 – Verification portfolios collected from schools. Complete entry of ALL provisional results.

6 November

NCEA and NZ Scholarship Exams Commence

6 November – 10 November

Assessment Opportunity:

  • 32414 Te Reo Matatini – Assessment Master or Submission

9 November

  • Check accuracy of internally assessed entries for 1 December file
  • Visual Arts Level 3 and NZ Scholarship – Portfolio submission/collection for Level 3 and NZ Scholarship external standards

10 November

Visual Arts Level 1 – start entering final results

13 November

MCAT Level 1, 91027 – start entering final results

17 November

Visual Arts Level 2 – Start entering final results

29 November

Visual Arts – Levels 1 and 2, last day for entry of all final results

30 November

NCEA and NZ Scholarship Exams end.

1 December

Final data file submission for 2023

  • include all final verified internally assessed results and derived grades at scale for an unexpected event. This file is the last opportunity to correct any remaining errors and warnings.
  • Final date for withdrawals from internally assessed standards
  • DO NOT WITHDRAW leavers
  • Update school emergency contacts with NZQA
  • Final date to submit assessment plan for 2024 moderation
  • MCAT Level 1, 91027 – last day for entry of all final results

General Administration & Data

Ringa Toi Student Exhibition 2023 – Category Winners

The 2023 Ringa Toi Student Exhibition category winners have been announced. You can view a list of the winners on our website. The exhibition was held from 12-29 September at Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington. Over 154 artworks from 40 schools and kura were displayed. Visit the Ringa Toi page on our website to view the full catalogue of artworks.

Ringa Toi

Category award winners 2023

New Web Entries Application

If you are a web entry school, the NZQA website links to Web Entries now takes you to a new Web Entries application.

You will have been emailed a quick guide which contains the overview and the steps to update your student’s literacy-numeracy assessment opportunity.

During this time of transition, please email  for support and to give feedback. 

Updating contact information

Please check that the contact information shown on your Provider Login page is accurate, particularly mobile phone numbers, as we may need to contact you and the Principal during the exam or summer holiday periods.

Key Dates, Calendar and Wall Planners 2024

The 2024 Key Dates Calendar will be published on the NZQA website in mid-December. Hard copies will be sent to schools in the first week of Term 1 and electronic versions (docx, pdf and CSV) will be able to be downloaded from our website.

Key dates for schools

If you do not want to receive printed copies of the 2024 wall planner, please notify us through this link. The deadline to opt out is Tuesday 31 October.

Login button and page

The process to log into the NZQA website has changed. Instead of a drop-down list, users are taken to the Login page where they choose the login option they want by scrolling down the page.

If you have bookmarked the NZQA login page, please update this.

Login button

Learner Portal

The new look MyNZQA Learner Portal is now live for students. Over the coming months, new features will be added as they become available.

Digital Submissions for external standards and Level 1 Digital Pilot Submissions

We've released a new tool for schools and students to manage digital submissions. If your students are entered for a digitally submitted standard, it's important to know if it will be submitted using the new or existing system.

View standards by level and find out which system they use

With the new tool, learners can upload their own files for teachers to review. Therefore, students need to have set up an NZQA Learner Login. If issues arise for students, teachers can upload files on behalf of students.

For links to the portals and all Digital Submissions support documentation, please visit our website, go to the Digital submissions : NZQA (NZQA homepage -> select ‘Popular pages’ tab -> then ‘Digital submissions’ button for documentation.)

Digital submissions

Why is NZQA doing this now?

A series of co-design workshops were run over the last two years with teachers, Principals’ Nominees, and markers to address the challenges that schools encountered through the existing system.

The feedback received during these workshops was that the burden placed on schools through manual processes needed to be reduced.

The intention of the new digital submissions tool is to create a more accessible and user-friendly experience for everyone, including Principals’ Nominees, teachers, learners, and markers.

Why are there two different portals?

The existing submission system is for any standards where submissions had already started, prior to the deployment of new digital submission tool.

The new digital submissions tool is for all others, and will be used exclusively for future digital assessments.

For support, please call the NZQA Contact Centre on 0800 697 296 (8am – 5pm Monday to Friday).

Login for NZQA Online External Assessments

Students accessing NZQA assessments can do so by clicking the green ‘Login now’ button beneath the tile on the front page of the NZQA website. This applies to Literacy/Numeracy/Te reo matatini me te pāngarau and all external exams. Login for NZQA Online External Assessments

Delays to Delivery of Submitted Subjects and Visual Arts Materials

Digital submission instructions for Dance, Drama, P.E, Music, Tech, Visual Arts were placed on the subject pages on Friday 13 October. Physical copies and attendance rolls (and personalised labels for VA), will be delivered to schools by Wednesday, 18 October.

New Circulars

Candidate Exams Admission Slips and Exam Information

Changes to External Moderation circular

Dates for External Assessment in 2024

New process for schools requesting approval for subcontracting arrangements.

External assessment

Digital Practice Exams platform - Open for teachers to mark till 18 October; open for students until 27 October. 

The Digital Practice exams platform is open to teachers (with marker login credentials) for marking until 18 October 2023. Once marking is completed, administrators will need to release the exam for students to view their results (refer administrator guide for Digital Practice Exams). Students can access their marked digital practice assessment scripts through their NZQA student login until 27 October. 

Please refer to the job aides and user guides provided. If you need support with any issues that arise, please call NZQA’s Contact Centre 0800 697 296 or send an email to

Chrome browser for Digital External Assessments

NZQA has updated the digital exam device check table and only Google Chrome, version 95+ will be supported for upcoming external assessment events (including end-of-year exams).  Please ensure your students have the correct browser installed prior to the assessment session.

Device check table (external link)

Resource Booklets for Digital Exams

Resource booklets will be provided to ECMs for digital end-of-year exams and Pilot RAS exams. Personalised packs do not need to be opened to accommodate students doing digital exams and Pilot RAS exams.

Exam Centre Quality Assurance

Each year NZQA conducts exam centre quality assurance visits during the NCEA/NZ Scholarship examination period. The criteria used by our Quality Assurers during their visit are available on the NZQA website under the heading ‘Exam Centre Quality Assurance.’

Resources for Principal's Nominee

These criteria are also available to your Exam Centre Manager via their ECM Home Page.

If your school is being quality assured this year, an email will be sent to the PN advising that a visit will take place at some point during the examination period from 7 to 30 November. No visits will take place on the first day of exams. Further information about this visit will be provided in the email.

If you have any questions about this process, please email

Sensitive issues during the exam period

If a traumatic or sensitive incident occurs that affects one or more of your students during the exam period, please contact your School Relationship Manager as soon as possible.

Special Assessment Conditions

SAC applications

Please check the status of any submitted applications that have not yet been approved. This could be because some information is outstanding. Please check the Notes & Messages section by clicking on the NSN of the student in the SAC submitted list.

Attaching SAC entitlements to exams

Please check that you have completed this process for your students. Late entries can mean that there are additional attachments to make.

If you are unsure how to do this, please view the video on the Video tutorials for SAC page or these guidelines. Please keep your ECM informed.

Video tutorials for SAC

Attaching SAC entitlements to Exams

Trial SAC Notifications Gateway for 2024

This option is now available for Year 11 SAC applications for 2024. Before using this gateway, please consult the SAC webpage and the updated online guide even if you are very experienced at using the SAC application system. You do not need to decide at the start whether you will submit a notification or an application for approval. You only need to make this decision when you submit the application to NZQA. You can create and save drafts at any time and make the decision later.

About the new Notifications Gateway

SAC online tool guide [PDF, 1.9 MB]

Please contact the SAC team at if you have any queries.

Internal assessment

Changes to external moderation
All schools will need to complete an Assessment Plan in November. This is to ensure that the standards NZQA selects for a Moderation Plan reflect what a school intends to assess in 2024. External moderation submission months will no longer exist. Schools will send in material for moderation for individual standards once their assessment and internal moderation processes are completed.

See the Changes to External Moderation circular for further details

RAS implementation

Approach to Mātauranga Māori in NZC Level 1 Achievement Standards

The Ministry of Education has clarified the inclusion of mātauranga Māori in Level 1 NZC achievement standards. You can find this information here.

Te Ao Haka (Implementation)

Submitting Kete Manarua for Te Ao Haka

Kete Manarua submissions are now open, and close on 25 October 2023.

Kete Manarua submissions for Te Ao Haka (all except for Te Ao Haka Te Hiranga (Scholarship)) should be made using the new digital submission tool available via the new MyNZQA learner and school assessment portals.  

Using the MyNZQA learner portal

Using the MyNZQA school portal

Instructions on how to submit Kete Manarua using the new digital submissions tool can be found on the page below.

Using new digital submissions tool

Submitting Kete Manarua for Te Ao Haka Te Hiranga (Scholarship) 93700 

Kete Manarua submissions for Te Ao Haka Scholarship (93700) should be made using the existing submission process (Google Drive via Schools Provider Login). 

Instructions on how to submit Kete Manarua using the existing digital submissions process can be found on the page below. 

Using the existing digital submissions system

All Kete Manarua must be submitted to NZQA for marking on or before the deadline date set for 25 October 2023.

Visit the Te Ao Haka subject page for more information

Co-requisite Common Assessment Activities (Literacy/Numeracy/Te Reo Matatini/Pāngarau)

Communication regarding the 30 Oct – 3 Nov co-requisite CAAs

Principals’ Nominees should have received an email from the Lit/Num team about the 30 October – 03 November assessment opportunity. Please read the information carefully and contact your SRM if needed.

Note: Entries received after Friday 20 October will not be processed in time for the assessment to be completed in Assessment Master.  

Checking Student Entries for the co-requisite CAAs

Please check that student entries are accurate. If they are not, then update records on your SMS (or in web entries if that is your method of submission) and then send a new data-file to NZQA.

Entries can be checked within Assessment Master, using this method:

  1. Log into assessment Master and then click on the assessment you wish to check. In this example, LITR_T4 is for Literacy Reading, Term 4. Checking Student Entries for the co requisite CAAs 1 Across the top of the page, click ‘Candidates” and then “Exams”.
  2. Checking Student Entries for the co requisite CAAs 2
  3. This will show you the total number of students entered for the Term 4 assessment. Checking Student Entries for the co requisite CAAs 3
  4. This page also shows you individual student names (blacked-out in this example). This enables you to double-check that entries are accurate. Checking Student Entries for the co requisite CAAs 4

Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau

Upcoming Tūmahi Aromatawai Pātahi (TAPA-CAA) – October-November

The upcoming TAPA for Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau will take place on 30 October – 03 November for Te Pāngarau (32412) and 06 -10 November for Te Reo Matatini (32414).

Please ensure all entries for the above TAPA are submitted no later than 23 October 2023. If you have submitted entries, please check that all expected entries appear in Assessment Master (instructions above).

Support and guidance for TAPA assessments

You can visit the Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau subject page for important information about assessment dates and windows, sample TAPA assessments, and a list of important information and resources to prepare ākonga and kaiako for the TAPA assessments.

Important: Oral responses for TAPA i.e., mahi kōrero, should be submitted following the existing digital submissions process.

Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau subject page

Existing digital submissions process

Submitting Kete Manarua for Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau

Kete Manarua submissions are open and will close on 25 October.

All Kete Manarua for Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau should be submitted for marking using the existing digital submissions system. Instructions on how to upload ākonga files for marking using the existing digital submissions system can be found on the page below. 

Existing digital submissions process

All Kete Manarua must be submitted to NZQA for marking on or before the deadline date set for 25 October 2023.