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Low Excellence
For Excellence, students need to efficiently implement advanced procedures using textile materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves students undertaking techniques and tests in a manner that economises time, effort and materials.
This student’s project was to make a party wear dress. The student has completed a sketch and brief to describe the specifications and special features of the dress to be made (2).
Techniques were selected and scheduled, and tests were undertaken to monitor special feature construction (3) (4) (5) (6) (7), all in compliance with health and safety regulations (6) (8). A garment that showed accuracy in the execution of techniques and tests (8) (9) was independently made to meet the specifications.
The teacher notes validate that advanced procedures were efficiently implemented. The garment was completed in less time than was allowed for, materials were not wasted, and techniques did not need repeating once completed (1).
Student work also showed evidence of efficiently implementing advanced procedures. For example, the student worked out in advance how much fabric was needed for the pleating (4), stitched the pleats closed in a way that made it efficient to reopen them at a later stage (3) (7), and undertook thorough testing (8) to ensure that techniques were correctly applied at the time.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could more clearly show how the tests they carried out during construction ensured the efficient implementation of advanced procedures.
High Merit
For Merit, students need to skilfully implement advanced procedures using textile materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves students showing independence and accuracy in executing the scheduled techniques and tests.
This student’s project was to make a party wear dress. This student has outlined their proposed design, with special features that included a bow and double layer gathering (1) (2).
The practices and decision making carried out by the student ensured they showed independence as they executed scheduled techniques and tests. For example, with minimal assistance they experimented and trialed techniques while constructing a toile (3) (4), scheduled and applied a logical order of construction and testing (5) and complied with relevant health and safety regulations (6).
Accuracy was assured by practicing stitching techniques and trialing different sized bows before making the final outcome (7) and by determining detailed scheduling (8). Teacher notes also validate that the student showed accuracy when executing the scheduled techniques and tests (9).
For Excellence, time and effort would need to be economised. For example, practicing stitching techniques on the fabric that was to be used could have ensured the student understood the nature of the fabric (6) (9). This may have eliminated the need to make adjustments later on, thus minimising time and effort.
Low Merit
For Merit, students need to skilfully implement advanced procedures using textile materials to make a specified product with special features. This involves students showing independence and accuracy in the execution of techniques and tests.
This student’s project was to make a party wear dress. This student has completed a final design that includes specifications and special features (2).
Techniques were selected and scheduled (3), and special features were trialled and tested (4) before construction, and testing ensured construction was monitored (3). Health and safety regulations were complied (5) (6). Photos of the final garment (8) (9) and teacher commentary (1) indicate that specifications were met.
Teacher notes state the student generally required minimal support when executing the scheduled techniques and tests (1). This was sufficient to verify that independence was shown.
Accuracy was ensured when executing techniques and tests. For example, the student marked and cut the fabric correctly (5) (6). The teacher notes state that a quality outcome was made (1).
For a more secure Merit, the student could show a greater level of independence and accuracy shown when executing techniques and tests. The student needed some assistance with deciding which techniques to apply (7), and some reminding to undertake testing (1). More accuracy could have been shown when attaching the waist and finishing the crotch section (1).
High Achieved
For Achieved, students need to implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves:
- selecting and scheduling techniques to achieve special features
- undertaking testing to monitor special feature construction to demonstrate that the product meets specifications, and applying scheduled techniques to comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student’s project was to make a child’s dress. This student has established specifications and special features for making the dress (4).
The student correctly interpreted instructions from a pattern that suggested outdated techniques (3) and tested alternative techniques (for example, hand versus machine stitching) to select the best ones to use (2). Scheduling included points at which some testing was to occur (6). Relevant health and safety regulations were identified (5).
Special features (piping, collar) were firstly trialled and then the established techniques were scheduled and implemented. Photographic evidence supports the accurate execution of techniques to achieve the special features (7).
To reach Merit, the student would need to more skilfully implement advanced procedures. The teacher (as verified in the annotated assessment schedule) determined that more precision and accuracy could have been shown (8), particularly if the scheduled order of construction had been followed. The annotations also state that some prompting was given, indicating that more independence could have been shown.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, students need to implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves:
- selecting and scheduling techniques to achieve special features
- undertaking testing to monitor special feature construction to demonstrate that the product meets specifications, and applying scheduled techniques to comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student has chosen to make a child’s dress with special features (2). Suitable specifications were determined (2).
The student used the commercial guide sheet as a basis for their scheduling (1). Techniques were applied (1) (5) (6) (7), health and safety regulations (3) were complied with, and the specified garment was made (4). This was verified by the teacher (5).
The teacher verified that testing was undertaken to monitor special feature construction (5). Trials of special features where planned and undertaken (6) (7), and there was some recording of the results of tests (6).
For a more secure Achieved, this student could schedule and apply techniques and undertake testing more carefully when making the specified garment. Further, to ensure that the completed garment more clearly met specifications, the student could have completed a construction plan that included more detail of how techniques should be applied, together with more careful identification of testing points.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, students need to implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.
This involves:
- selecting and scheduling techniques to achieve special features
- undertaking testing to monitor special feature construction to demonstrate that the product meets specifications, and applying scheduled techniques to comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student’s project was to make a child’s dress.
This student tracked their progress and the modifications they made (5) as they followed pattern instructions (6) to make the dress (4). Special features (piping, set-in sleeves, and a collar) were selected (1) and constructed (3) in accordance with health and safety regulations (2).
To reach Achieved, the student would need to schedule and apply appropriate techniques and testing to make a garment that met specifications. Because a construction plan that suggested outdated techniques was the basis of the student’s scheduling, trialling may have determined that different techniques were selected to ensure success of the final garment.
More rigorous testing could have also ensured that the construction of special features was closely monitored.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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