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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to efficiently implement complex procedures using textile materials to make a specified product.
This involves undertaking techniques, tests and processes in a manner that economises time, effort and materials.
This student has made track pants, a singlet top and a hoodie.
This student has undertaken tests techniques and processes with economy as supported by the teacher to compete the 3 garments (1).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could ensure that all of the techniques, testing and processes carried out were as efficient as possible.
For Merit, the student needs to skilfully implement complex procedures using textile materials to make a specified product.
This involves showing independence and accuracy in applying the selected techniques, tests and processes.
A sample of work is not currently available at this grade.
Typically, the student would accurately and independently trial and apply processes, fabrics and construction techniques. The student’s construction plan allows the accurate construction of the garment. Testing checks that the garment has been constructed accurately.
To reach Excellence, the student would demonstrate economy in the testing, trialling and construction of their garment.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to implement complex procedures using textile materials to make a specified product.
This involves:
- trialling and using feedback to inform the selection of techniques to make the product to size and accurately reflect the style
- developing and applying an order of construction to make the product
- undertaking appropriate tests to demonstrate that the final product meets specifications
- applying techniques that comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
The student made a dress from lace, with complementary underwear.
This student has developed and applied a construction sequence (1) and has undertaken some trialling of techniques (2) and testing of the garment (3). The student tested against specifications (not shown) and completed the lace dress (4).
The teacher supported the use of techniques that comply with health and safety regulations (not shown).
To reach Merit, the student could demonstrate that they have worked with independence and accuracy during the trialling, construction and testing.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to Implement complex procedures using textile materials to make a specified product.
This involves:
- trialling and using feedback to inform the selection of techniques to make the product to size and accurately reflect the style
- developing and applying an order of construction to make the product
- undertaking appropriate tests to demonstrate the final product meets specifications
- applying techniques that comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student has made a skirt and top.
This student has defined the specifications for the garments (1) developed and applied a construction sequence (2) and has undertaken some trialling of techniques (3) and testing of the garment (4). After trailing, the student has produced a completed skirt and top (5).
The teacher supported the use of techniques that comply with health and safety regulations (not shown).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could provide further evidence of the outcome and how it meet the specifications.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to Implement complex procedures using textile materials to make a specified product.
This involves:
- trialling and using feedback to inform the selection of techniques to make the product to size and accurately reflect the style
- developing and applying an order of construction to make the product
- undertaking appropriate tests to demonstrate the final product meets specifications
- applying techniques that comply with relevant health and safety regulations.
This student has made trousers and a top.
This student has evidence of some trialling of techniques (1) and materials (2) and has undertaken some tests to demonstrate that the product meets specifications (3).
The teacher supported the use of techniques that comply with health and safety regulations (not shown).
To reach Achieved, the student could more effectively show how the garment met the specifications and have an order of construction for the garment.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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