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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to use drawing methods to apply in-depth knowledge of conventions appropriate to photography.
This involves critically selecting and using particular processes, procedures, materials, techniques and pictorial conventions according to an intended purpose when making artworks.
This student has demonstrated a strong pictorial intelligence, technical competence and thematic purpose. The student starts with emulation of an image by Anna Orlowska (1) and then applies the artist’s pictorial conventions in their own image (2).
The student clearly identifies the thematic purpose teenage angst. They explore a variety of devices to communicate this idea, including a domestic environment (2), extreme cropping and controlled lighting (5), and limited colour and expressive body language (6).
Throughout the investigation the student uses peer feedback (3) and self-evaluation (4) to assess the effectiveness of each outcome. This strategy enhances the student’s opportunity to critically select future technical and pictorial approaches.
The final outcome (7) shows the in-depth knowledge needed for Excellence by successfully integrating the most successful pictorial and technical elements of the preceding photo-shoots. This work effectively achieves the intended purpose of depicting teenage angst.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could further refine the particular technical strategies to support the communicative intention of the work. For example, the heavy vignetting in the reading image (2) creates a claustrophobic isolation effect. This intensity is not replicated in the lighter vignetting of the final image (7).
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to use drawing methods to apply specific knowledge of conventions appropriate to photography.
This involves selecting and using particular processes, procedures, materials, techniques and pictorial conventions according to an intended purpose when making artworks.
This student has identified the thematic proposition of physical abuse. The first sequence (1) uses the pictorial devices of dramatic lighting and tightly cropped compositions to enhance the intensity of the images. The mud smears more subtly imply damage and feelings of unworthiness than blood. The final image in this sequence (3) is deliberately anonymous to reflect the universal relevance of the theme.
The student explores three approaches to the theme, with peer (5) and self (2) evaluation used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. This process help the student to select the most successful pictorial and technical aspects for further development.
To reach Excellence, the student could show a greater degree of connectedness between each approach. For example, the hand sequence (4) does not provide opportunity for the student to advance their understanding of the studio lighting and body expression conventions explored in the other two sequences.
The third sequence (6) could present a final outcome to show critical selection of pictorial and technical conventions. For example, the student could select and reframe the strongest image, and then enhance the effect through modifying tonal values and colour saturation.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to use drawing methods to apply specific knowledge of conventions appropriate to photography.
This involves selecting and using particular processes, procedures, materials, techniques and pictorial conventions according to an intended purpose when making artworks.
This student has begun with the concept of teenage identity and explores a range of visual approaches loosely related to this theme. The first half of the investigation demonstrates the ability to apply the specific conventions of documentary photography (1) (2) (3). The student then applies the technical conventions of studio portrait photography (4).
In the final sequence the student adopts the anatomical close-up approach of John Coplan (5) to a series of hand and face images. These show specific knowledge of lighting (6) and cropping (7) conventions.
For a more secure Merit, the student could explore either the photo-documentary, studio portrait or close up strategy in greater depth. This would demonstrate more convincing application of one particular approach.
The student could also show more selective enlargement of the more successful images. The contact sheets show options that are arguably stronger in terms of technical and tonal qualities (6) than the image chosen for enlargement (8).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to photography.
This involves using processes, procedures, materials, techniques and pictorial conventions when making artworks.
This student has explored the pictorial device of costume and mask to express an assumed identity. The thorough working process comprehensively documents a wide range of pictorial options in each photo-shoot (1). The student then identifies and enlarges the most successful images (3).
The student manages particular colour conventions including muted harmony (2) and the juxtaposition of complimentary colours (3). The convention of cropping has been used (4) to eliminate distracting details and tighten the compositional focus.
Consideration of pose and gesture is applied to accentuate the character of each image, for example the joyful dancing of the young girl (4) in contrast to the static poses of the mysterious masked figure (5).
To reach Merit, the student could show more sensitive consideration of the figure-background relationship to enhance the narrative content. For example, the relationship between colourful girl and flowers in the largest image (3) could be further developed.
The student tends to conceive and complete a photo-shoot, and then move onto a different idea. To show understanding of a specific convention, the student may have needed to revisit one of the concepts after evaluating the outcomes of a first attempt.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to photography.
This involves using processes, procedures, materials, techniques and pictorial conventions when making artworks.
This student has completed four photo-shoots exploring the idea of children behaving older than their age. The controlled lighting, specific subject isolation, and narrative sequencing in the first two photo-shoots (1) (3) shows appropriate knowledge of these conventions.
The second shoot (3) applies studio direction, strong directional lighting, and image sequencing conventions, to successfully support the narrative intention.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could show further refinement of the sequencing conventions used in the first two films in the third and fourth photo-shoots (4) (5). Selecting key images to enlarge as a narrative sequence would show more convincing application of the conventions explored in the preceding films.
The second photo-shoot includes some interesting options (2) that could be explored to create a more engaging sequence. Exploring these options may result in a more evocative sequence showing greater knowledge of the identified conventions.
The clear compositional decisions made in the initial photo-shoot could also be applied to the later series. This includes more consistent focus on the primary action of the figures and the elimination of distraction details such as the trees and buildings (4).
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to photography.
This involves using processes, procedures, materials, techniques and pictorial conventions when making artworks.
This student has completed two short photo-shoots (1) (2) in an attempt to explore the concept of personal identity.
The final images (3) use a projected element to add visual interest and communicate meaning. The student uses compositional convention of tight framing and pictorial strategy of limited colour to unify these images.
To reach Achieved, the student could revisit the second idea (2) and resolve issues around sufficient lighting and explore more dynamic compositional arrangements. The student has identified pictorial revisions (4) that are likely to improve the images.
A more sustained investigation is needed for the student to acquire and then demonstrate the sufficient knowledge of photography conventions for Achieved at Level 2.
How images are viewed and valued is a key convention of photography when dealing with political or sensitive subjects. The student would need to clarify their position in relation to this Nazi material to ensure that they did not inadvertently offend the viewer.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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