This page contains links to important documentation and resources for tertiary providers.
If you need resources for secondary schools or kura go to:
Forms and documents for schools
Finding what you need
Look at the topics below to find the relevant documents.
Topics are listed from A-Z.
What if the resource isn't here?
Use the NZQA website search to find the document or page you want.
Updates on NZQA requirements and processes
If you want updates for tertiary providers, you can check out these newsletters:
Academic integrity
Annual fees
Find the related forms and worksheets on our web page:
Annual declarations
Go to our web page to find the forms for:
- PTE Annual Declaration form
- TEI Annual Declaration form
Aromatawai and the Principles of Assessment publication [PDF, 5.3 MB]
Consent to assess
Find the information you need on our web page:
External evaluation and review
Guide to external evaluation and review for TEOs
Rubric descriptors [PDF, 120 KB]
External evaluation and review reports
External evaluation and review schedule 2025
English language providers
Fit and proper person and conflicts of interest
Statutory Declaration as a fit and proper person and of conflicts of interest [DOCX, 75 KB]
Learning outcomes
National consistency of graduate outcomes
TEO self-assessment summary report [DOCX, 89 KB]
TEO self-assessment summary report (Te Hono o Te Kahurangi) [DOCX, 278 KB]
Offshore delivery
Online delivery
Private training establishments (PTEs)
Guidelines for applying for registration as a private training establishment
Guidelines for maintaining registration as a private training establishment
Applying to become a PTE
Application form for registration as a Private Training Establishment [DOCX, 123 KB]
Change of ownership
Application for change of ownership of a registered PTE [DOCX, 79 KB]
Recognition of prior learning
Guidelines for the recognition and award of learning for credit
Using evaluation to strengthen organisational self-assessment
Student fee protection
Approval of a student fee protection mechanism
Application for approval of a Student Fee Protection (SFP) Mechanism or Supplier [DOCX, 69 KB]
SFP Exemption Notification form [DOCX, 72 KB]
Quarterly attestation
Trustee Quarterly Attestation [DOCX, 19 KB]
PTE Quarterly Attestation [DOCX, 16 KB]
Trust deeds
Standard trust deed for refund period and post-refund period [PDF, 585 KB]
Static trust deed for refund period and post refund period [PDF, 575 KB]