Resources for tertiary providers

Find guidelines, forms and resources that tertiary providers need to meet NZQA requirements

This page contains links to important documentation and resources for tertiary providers.

If you need resources for secondary schools or kura go to:

Forms and documents for schools

Finding what you need

Look at the topics below to find the relevant documents.

Topics are listed from A-Z.

What if the resource isn't here?

Use the NZQA website search to find the document or page you want.

Updates on NZQA requirements and processes

If you want updates for tertiary providers, you can check out these newsletters:

Code News

eQuate newsletters

Academic integrity

Academic integrity and AI

Annual fees

Find the related forms and worksheets on our web page:

Completing the Annual Fee Return Form

Annual declarations

Go to our web page to find the forms for:

  • PTE Annual Declaration form
  • TEI Annual Declaration form

Annual declarations

Work-based training

Work-based training [PDF, 150 KB]

Got questions? Contact us about a resource