This page includes useful forms and documents that schools use on a regular basis. Use the links on the right-hand side of the page to jump to each section.
Applications for certificates and credit inclusion
Credit inclusion - reporting of student results [DOCX, 45 KB]
To apply for a National Certificate or Diploma, or to replace a certificate, complete the secondary and tertiary records online application:
Secondary and tertiary records online application (external link)
Students can order copies of a New Zealand Record of Achievement online in the MyNZQA learner portal.
Learner log in (external link)
Instructions for downloading non-end-of-year assessment PDFs [PDF, 229 KB]
Candidate information about entering NCEA and NZ Scholarship
Find the latest candidate information sheets:
Entering NCEA and NZ Scholarship: A guide for students, caregivers and whānau [PDF, 250 KB]
On this page
Special Assessment Conditions (SAC)
Students and parents
Information to share with your school
Student SAC historical record [DOCX, 15 KB]
Student SAC historical record - Te Reo Māori [DOCX, 17 KB]
Making an application
Student application for entitlement to Special Assessment Conditions [DOC, 46 KB]
Student application for entitlement to Special Assessment Conditions - Te Reo Māori [DOC, 51 KB]
Handwriting observation sheet [DOCX, 19 KB]
SAC coversheet for assessments [DOCX, 35 KB]
Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) online tool guide [PDF, 1.9 MB]
Independent assessors
Special Assessment Conditions declaration form for Registered Assessors [PDF, 1.6 MB]