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Achievement-Based Assessment.

Te Aromatawai ā-Paetae.


Australasian Curriculum, Assessment and Certification Authorities.

Te Mana Marautanga, Aromatawai me ngā Tohu Mātauranga o Ahitereiria me Aotearoa.

Academic year Hōtaka ako ā-tau

12-month period starting on the first day of January.

12 marama te roa ka tīmata i te rā tuatahi o Kohitātea.

Accreditation Whakamanatanga

Accreditation is the status awarded under section 441 of the Education and Training Act 2020 when an education provider has shown that it is capable of delivering an approved programme leading to a qualification on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework.

Section 441 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) -

Ko te mana ka whakawhiwhia ina whakaatu mai ai tētahi kaiwhakarato mātauranga i tōna kaha ki te whakahaere akoranga kua whakaaetia ki te aromatawai e ai ki ngā paerewa o te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa. (Tirohia te wāhanga 441 o Te Ture Mātauranga me te Whakangungu 2020).

Te wāhanga 441 o Te Ture Mātauranga me te Whakangungu 2020:

Section 441 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) -

Achievement (Achieved) Paetae

If a student meets the requirements of a standard at a satisfactory level they gain an Achieved (A) for that standard.

Ki te tūtuki te ākonga i ngā paerewa paetae ka eke i a i te taumata Paetae mō tērā paerewa paetae.

Achievement objective Whāinga paetae

A desired learning outcome that is consistent with the New Zealand Curriculum.

Ko te hua o te ako e ōrite ana ki ngā whāinga o tētahi hōtaka, tētahi akoranga rānei.

Achievement standard Achievement standard

A nationally registered, coherent set of learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria, together with technical and management information that supports delivery and assessment; achievement standards specify three different standards of performance and the method of assessment, which may include national external assessment. Achievement standards are derived from the New Zealand Curriculum (Compare with unit standards).

NCEA Standards

Ko te huinga o ngā hua o te ako kua rēhitatia e pā ana ki ngā paearu mahi, tae atu hoki ki ngā mōhiotanga hangarau, whakahaere hoki e tautoko ana i te tukunga me te aromatawai; e āta whakahua ana i ngā paerewa paetae i ngā taumata e toru o te mahi me te tikanga aromatawai, tae atu pea ki te aromatawai ā-motu i waho (Whakatairite ki ngā paerewa). Kei te paetukutuku NZQA te roanga ake o ngā kōrero.

NCEA Standards

Achievement with Excellence (Excellence) Kairangi

If a student meets the requirements of an achievement standard at an outstanding level they gain an Excellence (E) for that standard.

Ki te tūtuki mārika te ākonga i ngā paerewa paetae ka eke ia i te taumata Kaiaka mō tērā paerewa paetae.

Achievement with Merit (Merit) Kaiaka

If a student meets the requirements of an achievement standard at a very good performance level they gain a Merit (M) for that standard.

Ki te tūtuki pai te ākonga i ngā paerewa paetae ka eke ia i te taumata Kaiaka mō tērā paerewa paetae.


Australian Committee for Training Curriculum.

Te Kōmiti Marautanga Whakangungu o Ahitereiria.

Admission ad eundem statum [at entrance level] Admission ad eundem statum [at entrance level]

The means whereby students, who have completed secondary education either in a country outside New Zealand or through following a programme offered in New Zealand, that cannot be defined in terms of the common entrance standard, may have their studies recognised by the universities as equivalent to the common entrance standard.

Ko te huarahi e whakaaetia ai te akoranga o te ākonga i kuraina i te kura tuarua i tāwāhi, e whakaaetia ai rānei te akoranga o te ākonga i oti i a ia tētahi hōtaka kāore nei e taea te tautuhi i runga i te kaupapa whakauru e ngā whare wānanga hei akoranga ōrite ki te taumata whakauru whare wānanga.


Australian Education Council.

Te Rūnanga Mātauranga o Ahitereiria.

Approval (programme) Whakamana

A process of quality-assuring a programme leading to a qualification on the NZQF under section 439 of the Education and Training Act 2020, or a training scheme, against rules established by NZQA. Programme approval confirms that a programme leading to a qualification listed on the NZQF is aligned with the qualification outcomes and is based on clear and consistent aims, content, and assessment practices, as per the criteria for programme approval.

Section 439 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) —

He tukanga whakaū kounga mō ngā akoranga me ngā hōtaka i runga i ngā paearu e ai ki te wāhanga 439 o te Pire Mātauranga me te Whakangungu 2020.

Kua whakatauhia e te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa hei whakaūtanga ki ngā paearu o NZQA. He mea whakaū tonu ngā akoranga kua whakamanatia, kua hāngai pū hoki ki tētahi tohu mātauranga e ai ki te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa. He whakataunga tohu o ia akoranga, ā, he whāinga, he hua, he whakamahinga aromatawai e mārama ana e ai ki te paearu mō ngā akoranga kua whakamanatia.

Section 439 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) ⁠—

Approved (programme) Akoranga kua whakamanatia

A coherent arrangement of learning or training that is based on clear and consistent aims, content, outcomes and assessment practices, and which leads to a qualification on the NZQF.

He hōtaka pipiri e hāngai ana ki ngā whāinga, ngā ritenga aromatawai mārama, ōrite hoki e taunaki ana i ngā paearu a te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa.