Technical and Further Education (= Australian Polytechnic).
Mātauranga Hangarau, Mātauranga Teitei ake (Ngā Kuratini o Ahitereiria).
Te Hono o Te Kahurangi Te Hono o Te Kahurangi
A unique combination of principles and concepts from Te Ao Māori sit at the heart of MM EQA. Te Hono o Te Kahurangi - the kaupapa Māori principles and wharenui concept together, represent the significant point of difference in how mātauranga Māori qualifications, programmes and providers are quality assured by NZQA.
He whiringa mātāpono ki tā te ao Māori titiro e whakapūmau ana i te MMEQA. Ko Te Hono o te Kahurangi, arā, ko ngā mātāpono Māori me te ariā wharenui, e matua whakaatu ana me pēhea e whakaū kounga ana ngā hōtaka me ngā kaiwhakarato ki tā ngā tohu mātauranga Māori me ngā hātepe o te Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa.
Tertiary Education Commission.
Tertiary Education Commission (external link) — tec.govt.nz
Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua.
Tertiary Education Commission (external link) — tec.govt.nz
Technology Education Federation of Australia.
Whetereihana Mātauranga ā-Hangarau o Ahitereiria.
Teaching Education Forum of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Teaching Education Forum of Aotearoa New Zealand (external link) — tefanz.org.nz
Te Rauika Tītohu Kaiako o Aotearoa.
Teaching Education Forum of Aotearoa New Zealand (external link) — tefanz.org.nz
Tertiary education Te Amorangi Mātauranga
The New Zealand tertiary sector covers private training establishments, Te Pūkenga and its subsidiaries, wānanga, universities and transitional industry training organisations.
Tertiary education providers and transitional industry training organisations offer programmes that range from transition (school to work) programmes, to vocational education and training, and through to postgraduate study and research. The types of programmes offered by each type of organisation do not have any fixed divisions. The focus is on their ability to offer education programmes to the required quality standards, rather than based on their type.
E kīia nei ko te rāngai amorangi mātauranga, ko ngā whare whakangungu tūmataiti, ko te Whare Takiura Pūkenga Hangarau o Aotearoa me ōna turuki, ko ngā whare wānanga me ngā rōpū whakangungu ahumahi whakawhiti.
He whakatakoto i ngā hōtaka huhua te mahi a ngā rōpū amorangi mātauranga me ngā rōpū whakangungu ahumahi whakawhiti. Ko ngā hōtaka whakawhitinga (mai i te kura ki te ao mahi) whakapakari mātauranga rapuara, me te whakangungu, tae noa rā ki ngā hōtaka rangahau kei te taumata paerunga. Kāore hoki he wāhanga pūmau kei ngā hōtaka katoa o ia momo rōpū. Ko tā rātou aronga kē, he whai kaha ki te whakatakoto hōtaka e ai ki te kounga o ngā paerewa, kaua ko te momo paerewa.
Tertiary education organisation Te rōpū amorangi mātauranga
Any of the following:
- an institution
- a private training establishment.
Ko ēnei e whai ake ana:
- he whare takiura
- he rōpū whakangungu tūmataiti.
Tertiary education organisation (TEO) categories Te Rōpū Uniana mō ngā Ākonga nō Aotearoa
Quality assurance categories for tertiary education organisations (other than universities) linked to external evaluation and review results. The categories are as follows:
- Category 1: TEOs with two Highly Confident judgements from external evaluation and review, or Highly Confident in educational performance and Confident in capability in self-assessment.
- Category 2: TEOs with two Confident judgements, or Highly Confident in self-assessment and Confident in educational performance.
- Category 3: TEOs with at least one Not Yet Confident judgement.
- Category 4: TEOs with at least one Not Confident judgement.
Ka honoa ngā wāhanga whakaū kounga mō ngā rōpū amorangi mātauranga (atu i ngā whare wānanga) ki ngā huanga aromātai ā-waho me te arotake. Ko ngā wāhanga e whai ake nei:
- Te Wāhanga 1: Ko ngā rōpū amorangi mātauranga e whiwhi ana i ngā whakawā āheia whakahirahira e rua mō te aromātai ā-waho me te arotake, e whiwhi ana rānei i te whakawā āheia whakahirahira mō te whakamahinga mātauranga me te whakawā āheia mō te āhei ki te aromatawai whaiaro.
- Te Wāhanga 2: Ko ngā rōpū amorangi mātauranga e whiwhi ana i ngā whakawā āheia e rua, e whiwhi ana rānei i ngā whakawā āheia whakahirahira e rua mō te aromatawai whaiaro me te whakawā āheia mō te whakamahinga mātauranga.
- Te Wāhanga 3: Ko ngā rōpū amorangi mātauranga e whiwhi ana i te whakawā kāore anō kia āheia i te itinga iho.
- Te Wāhanga 4: Ko ngā rōpū amorangi mātauranga e whiwhi ana i te whakawā kāore i te āheia.
Tertiary education provider Kura Amorangi Mātauranga
Any of the following:
- an institution
- a registered private training establishment (PTE)
- a government training establishment (GTE)
- other body that provides, or proposes to provide, tertiary education.
Ko tētahi momo pēnei i te:
- whare mātauranga
- whare whakangungu tūmatawhāiti
- whare whakangungu kāwanatanga
- me ētahi atu kura kawe ana i ēnei haepapa.
The Technical Overview Group Assessment (TOGA) Te Ohu Mūrere
The Technical Overview Group Assessment (TOGA) provides independent expert advice to NZQA and the Ministry of Education on the assessment processes for the NCEA and New Zealand Scholarship.
He rōpū ka whakatakoto rautaki whakaaro hei tohu i a NZQA me Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga mō ngā tukanga aromatawai NCEA me ngā Karahipi o Aotearoa.
Te Kete Ipurangi.
Te Kete Ipurangi (external link) — tki.org.nz
Te Kete Ipurangi.
Te Kete Ipurangi (external link) — tki.org.nz
Te Kohanga Reo.
Te Kohanga Reo.
Training Needs Analysis.
Tātaritanga o te Whakangungu ka Hiahiatia.
Training Opportunities Programme.
Te Hōtaka Huarahi Whakangungu.
Top Scholar Awards Tohu Ākonga Tuatahi
The Top Scholars Awards recognise the highest achieving New Zealand Scholarship Students.
Ko ngā Tohu Ākonga Tuatahi ngā tohu hou mō te kairangi mō ngā ākonga kura tuarua. Ka whakakapi ēnei tohu i ngā tohu Ākonga Tuatahi i te Tahua Tāpiri.