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National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN)

The Ireland National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN) is a national peer-driven network of staff members from Irish higher education institutions, student representatives, and higher education representative agencies with governance and oversight provided by the NAIN Steering Committee. The network is coordinated by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and hosted on the QQI website.

National Certificate

A qualification on the NZQF Framework that recognises skills and knowledge that meet nationally endorsed standards (unit and achievement standards). National qualifications are being replaced by New Zealand qualifications.

NZQF Framework [PDF, 9 MB]

Tētahi tohu mātauranga i runga i te paerewa o te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa ka whakaae i ngā pūkenga me te mātauranga e rite ana ki ngā paerewa ā-motu (ngā paerewa me ngā paerewa paetae);E whakamoengia ana ngā pōkaitahi ā-motu.

NZQF Framework [PDF, 9 MB]

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (Te) Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu Kua Taea

The National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is New Zealand’s main national qualification for senior secondary school and is available in three levels.

Ko (Te) Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu Kua Taea te tino tohu mō ngā mahi NCEA i roto i ngā kura tuarua kua wehea ki ngā taumata e toru.

National Diploma Pōkairua ā-Motu

A qualification on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework that recognises skills and knowledge that meet nationally endorsed standards (unit and achievement standards); National Diplomas are registered between levels 5 and 7. National qualifications are being phased out and replaced by New Zealand qualifications.

New Zealand Qualifications Framework [PDF, 9 MB]

Ko tētahi tohu mātauranga i runga i te paerewa o te ka whakaae i ngā pūkenga me te mātauranga e rite ana ki ngā paerewa ā-motu (ngā paerewa me ngā paerewa paetae); Ka rēhitatia ngā Pōkairua ā-motu i waenga i ngā kaupae 5 me 7. E whakamoengia ana ngā pōkairua ā-motu.

New Zealand Qualifications Framework [PDF, 9 MB]


National Certificate of Educational Achievement.

Te Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu Kua Taea.


National Education Guidelines.

Ngā Aratohu Mātauranga ā-Motu.


Non-English Speaking Background.

I Takea mai i te Wāhi Kōrero Ingarihi Kore.

New Zealand Certificate Pōkaitahi o Aotearoa

A qualification with at least 40 credits that meets the requirements for listing on the NZQF at levels 1 to 6. National qualifications are being replaced by New Zealand qualifications.

He tohu e tūtuki ana i ngā rārangi paetae ā Te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa taumata 1-6, ā, e 40 ngā whiwhinga i te itinga iho. Ka whakakapia ngā tohu ā-motu e ngā tohu o Aoteroa.

New Zealand Diploma Pōkairua o Aotearoa

A qualification with 120 credits that meets the requirements for listing on the NZQF at levels 5 to 7. National qualifications are being replaced by New Zealand qualifications.

He tohu e tūtuki ana i nga rārangi paetae ā te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa taumata 5 ki te 7, ā, e 120 ngā whiwhinga. Ka whakakapia ngā tohu ā-motu e ngā tohu o Aotearoa.

New Zealand Scholarship Karahipi o Aotearoa

The New Zealand Scholarship examinations are designed to extend the top-performing final year 13 students, and to provide grants to help with tertiary study. It does not contribute to a qualification.

Ko te Karahipi o Aotearoa ka tukua ki ngā ākonga kua tūtuki i ngā paerewa karahipi i te itinga rawa o ngā kaupapa ako e toru, i roto i ngā tau e toru.

Norm-referenced assessment (Te) aromatawai mā te whakatairite (norm-referenced assessment)

Learner achievement which is judged/ranked against the achievements of other learners.

Ko te whakatūtukitanga o te ākonga ka whakawākia/whakaraupapahia i runga i ngā whakatūtukitanga o ētahi atu ākonga.

Notional Learning Hours Haora Akoranga Ariā

Notional learning hours comprise all planned learning activities leading toward the achievement of programme or qualification learning outcomes. Ten notional learning hours equals one credit.

Kei roto i ngā haora akoranga ariā ko ngā tūmahi akoranga katoa e aro ana ki te tutuki whāinga o tētahi hōtaka mahi, o tētahi tohu mātauranga rānei. Kotahi noa te whiwhinga mō ia 10 haora.


National Qualifications Services, a NZQA business unit.

Te Ratonga Tohu Mātauranga ā-Motu, he kōwae kaipakihi nā NZQA.


National Student Index. The system maintained by the Ministry of Education that contains registration details for all learners known to the Ministry.

The NSI assigns a lifetime identification number (NSN, National Student Number) to each learner.

Te Rārangi ā-Motu o ngā Ākonga. Ko te pūnaha e manaakitia ana e te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga e pupuri ana i ngā kōrero rēhita mō ngā ākonga e mōhiotia ana e te MOE.

Ka tohaina e te NSI he tau ākonga ā-motu (NSN, National Student Number) ki ia ākonga.


National Student Number. See NSI.

Tau Ākonga ā-Motu. Tirohia NSI.