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Quality Assurance Division, a NZQA business unit.

Quality Assurance Division (external link)

Ngā Mahi Kounga Wāhanga, he kōwae kaipakihi nā NZQA (Tirohia te paetukutuku o NZQA mō te roanga ake o ngā kōrero). 

Quality Assurance Division (external link)


Quality Management Systems.

Ngā Pūnaha Whakahaere i te Kounga.


Qualification Recognition Services, a NZQA business unit.

Qualification Recognition Services (external link)

Te Ratonga Aromātai Tohu Mātauranga, he kōwae kaipakihi nā NZQA.

Qualification Recognition Services (external link)

Qualification (Te) urunga

Formal certification for a given purpose of the achievement of specified learning outcomes to a given standard.

Ko ngā whakaritenga mō te tiwhiketetanga kua whakawhiwhia i runga i ngā tūtukitanga  whakahirahira ā-paetae, ā-paerewa paetae.

Qualification developer Kaihanga tohu mātauranga

An organisation that develops qualifications that are submitted for approval to a quality assurance body; the development process must involve and have the support of the appropriately recognised expert bodies related to the subject title and major content of the qualification.

Ko tētahi whakahaere ka whakawhanake i ngā tohu mātauranga ka tāpaetia ki tētahi rōpū whakaū i te kounga mā taua rōpū anō hei whakamana; me matua whai wāhi i te hātepe whakawhanake, te tautoko o ngā rōpū kua mōhiotia he mātanga i roto i te taitara o te kaupapa ako me te mōhiotanga matua o te tohu mātauranga.

Quality assurance Whakaū i te kounga

Refers to the quality assurance framework which consists of initial entry processes for programme approval and accreditation registration of PTEs, and consent to assess; self-assessment by TEOs; external evaluation and review; and responses to non-compliance with the Education and Training Act 2020

Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) —

He kawenga hei whakaū i te kounga mō ngā tono whakatū hōtaka, te mahere hakamanatanga, te rēhita i ngā kura whakangungu tūmatawhāiti me te whakaae ki ngā aromatawai, arotakenga ā-waho mai i ngā kura amorangi mātauranga; hei kōkiri anō hoki i ngā tūtukinga kore e ai kite Ture Mātauranga me te Whakangungu 2020.

Education and Training Act 2020 (external link)—

Quality assurance body Rōpū whakaū kounga

An organisation that exercises certain powers of NZQA. Current QABs are NZQA and the New Zealand Vice-Chancellors' Committee (also known as Universities New Zealand).

Universities New Zealand (external link)—

He rōpū whakaū kounga mō ngā herenga katoa o NZQA. Ko ngā rōpū whakaū kounga o naiānei, ko NZQA me te Kōmiti Tumuaki o Aotearoa (arā ko Ngā Whare Wānanga o Aotearoa).

Universities New Zealand (external link)—

Quality assured qualification Tohu mātauranga kua whakaūngia te kounga

A qualification that is listed on the NZQCF.

Ko tētahi tohu mātauranga kua oti te whakamana e te Taura Here Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa.

Quality management system Tino kounga o te whakahaere

Coherent management activity that ensures quality policies and objectives are set, implemented and evaluated.

Ko te whakamātau motuhake i tētahi pūnaha whakahaere kia kitea ai te whai hua o ngā mahi o reira ki te whakatutuki i te kounga o ngā whāinga.