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South African Qualifications Authority.

South African Qualifications Authority (external link) —

Te Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Awherika ki te Tonga.

South African Qualifications Authority (external link) —

Scholarship performance standard Te Paetae Hiranga

The standards against which scholarship candidates are measured.

He paetae i whakaritea i runga i ngā putanga o tētahi whakamātautau hiranga.

School Results Summary He Whakatepenga Hua ā-Kura

Introduced in 2008, a School Resullts Summary is issued to every school leaver as a complete record of his/her performance while at secondary school.

It records all “achieved” and “not achieved” results for internally and externally assessed standards.

Nō te tau 2008 whakaritea ai ko tētahi whakatepenga hua ā-kura ki ia ākonga ka puta i te kura hei tohu i ngā mahi kua tūtukingia e ia.

Ka tohua ko ngā whiwhinga katoa mō ngā aromatawai ā-roto me ngā aromatawai ā-waho - ahakoa "whiwhi", ahakoa "kore whiwhi" rānei.


Scottish Baccalaureate.

Baccalaureate o Kotirana.


Standard Classification of Units and National Qualifications. Includes fields, sub-fields and domains (See also classification).

Te Whakarōpūtanga o ngā Paerewa me ngā Tohu Mātauranga ā-Motu. Ka taka mai ngā marau, marau akoranga me ngā kokonga akoranga (Tirohia hoki whakarōpūtanga).

Self-assessment Aromatawai whaiaro

Refers to the TEO self-assessment aspect of the evaluative quality assurance framework: self-assessment by a Tertiary Education Organisation (TEO) is an examination of the organisation to identify strengths and weaknesses intended to result in actual, worthwhile improvements.

Also refers to a process in which a learner assesses his/her own achievements and progress.

Ko tētahi tukanga ka aromatawai te ākonga i āna whakatūtukitanga me tōna ahunga whakamua. He momo kawenga hei tātari i ngā mahi ā ngā kura amorangi mātauranga hei whakaniko, hei aromatawai mō ngā rā e tū mai nei.


Secondary Principals' Association of New Zealand.

Secondary Principals' Association of New Zealand (external link) —

Te Rōpū o ngā Tumuaki Kura Tuarua o Aotearoa.

Secondary Principals' Association of New Zealand (external link) —


South Pacific Board for Educational Assessment.

Te Poari mō te Aromatawai i te Mātauranga o te Moananui ā-Kiwa.

Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) Aromatawai 

Candidates with a permanent or long-term medical or physical condition and/or a specific learning disability that directly impacts on their ability to be assessed fairly in assessments for National Qualifications may apply for entitlement to Special Assessment Conditions.

This could entitle the candidate to extra time, a reader and/or writer or the use of a computer to complete their assessment.

Mēnā he mate ā-ako ōu, he hauā rānei, he uaua mōu ki te whakatūtuki i ngā aromatawai a Te Mana Tohu Mātauranga, tēnā pea me tono mō te Aromatawai Hira hei awhi i a koe.

Tēnā pea ka āhei koe ki te whakaroa ake i tō wāhanga whakamātautau, ka whakawhirinaki rānei me tētahi kaiāwhina hei pānui, hei tuhi kōrero māu, ā, ka tāea rānei te noho rorohiko.

Special Assessment Conditions Exclusions Hiranga Paearu Aromatawai Kore

Some standards are excluded from the provision of a specific SAC because of the nature of the outcome being assessed.

Kāore e hāngai ana ētahi hiranga paearu aromatawai kore ki ngā paearu aromatawai i runga anō i tōna momo.


Scottish Qualifications Authority.

Scottish Qualifications Authority (external link) —

Te Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Kotirana.

Scottish Qualifications Authority (external link) —


School Trustees Association.

School Trustees Association (external link) —

Te Whakarōpūtanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa.

School Trustees Association (external link) —

Standard-setting bodies Ngā rōpū Whakatau-paerewa

Standard-setting bodies are responsible for the quality of standards submitted to NZQA for listing on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS). They work with industry partners, professional groups and others to develop useful and relevant standards that are nationally recognised. There are three types of standard-setting body: workforce development councils (for specific industries and professions), the Ministry of Education (for NCEA achievement standards) and NZQA (for all other standards)(see sections 437-438 of the Education and Training Act 2020).

Sections 437-438 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) —

Ko te mahi a ngā rōpū whakatau-paerewa he whakatau i te kounga o ngā paerewa ka tukuna ki NZQA hei tāpiritanga ki te Rārangi Paetae Aromatawai. E mahi ana rātou i te taha o ngā ahumahi, ngā rōpū ngaio me ētahi atu ki te whakarite i ngā paerewa whaitake huri noa i te motu. E toru ngā momo rōpū whakatau-paerewa: ngā Ohu Mahi (mō ngā ahumahi me ngā umanga), te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga (mō ngā paerewa paetae o NCEA) me NZQA (mō te toenga o ngā paerewa) (tirohia sections 437-438 of the Education and Training Act 2020).

Sections 437-438 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) —

Standards Paerewa

Standards provide defined learning outcomes, together with performance or assessment criteria examples of their interpretation and application, and associated quality assurance processes.

There are two types of standards – unit standards and achievement standards, which are collectively known as assessment standards.

Ka āta whakatakoto i ētahi putanga ako mā te kōtuitui i ngā pūkenga mahi me ngā tohutohu aromatawai hei whakaū i te kounga me ōna tukanga e tika ana.

E rua ngā momo paetae, arā, he paerewa, ā, he paerewa paetae.

Standards-based assessment (Te) aromatawai ā-paerewa

Process of judging learner achievement against defined standards, and NZQA is able to approve other bodies under section 438 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

Section 438 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) —

He hātepe aromatawai i te whakatūtukitanga o te ākonga i runga i ngā paerewa kua āta tautuhia. E taea hoki e NZQA te whakaae atu ki ētahi atu rōpū i raro i te wāhanga 438 o te Pire Mātauranga me te Whakangungu 2020.

Section 438 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (external link) —