Valid assessment Aromatawai pono
Assessment that achieves fitness for purpose by using evidence directly related to the type and level of performance required in a specified standard, and by being fair and consistent (See also fair assessment).
Ko te aromatawai e pono ana, e tōkeke ana, mā reira e kitea ai kua tūtuki te mahi i runga anō i ngā taunakitanga e hāngai pū ana ki te momo mahi me te kaupae mahi e whāia ana i tētahi paerewa kua āta whakaritea (Tirohia hoki aromatawai tōkeke).
Verification (Te) whakatūturu
Confirming the assessment decisions made by another assessor for up to eight samples of internally assessed standards.
Ko te māka whakarite o ētahi tauira e waru, iti iho rānei o ngā mahi ākonga kua aromatawai ā-rototia, e tētahi atu tangata, atu i te kaimāka tuatahi.