Total Quality Management.
Te Whakahaere i te Kounga Katoa.
Trade Certificate Pōkaitahi Ringarehe
In the past, NZQA administered many trade and advanced trade certificate qualifications.
These have been progressively phased out and replaced by National Certificates and Diplomas.
Certified statements in relation to these older qualifications are available from NZQA.
Tirohia te whārangi Pōkaitahi Ringarehe i tēnei paetukutuku.
Transition arrangements Whakawhitinga
Transition arrangements must be specified whenever the introduction of a new qualification will impact on existing qualifications.
Transition arrangements refer to the short-to-medium-term arrangements that are put in place to ensure that no one is disadvantaged by changes made to qualifications; that pathways from the former qualification(s) to the new one(s) exist for all current candidates; or that candidates are granted sufficient time to complete the qualification(s) they embarked upon.
Kia āta whakahuatia ngā whakaritenga whakawhiti ina pā te whakaurunga o tētahi tohu mātauranga hou ki ngā tohu mātauranga kua takoto kē.
E hāngai ana ngā whakaritenga whakawhiti ki ngā whakaritenga wā poto - wā waenganui ka whakatakotoria kia kore ai ētahi e taumaha i ngā whakarerekētanga ki ngā tohu mātauranga; ka wātea hoki he arawhiti mai i ngā tohu mātauranga tahito ki ngā tohu mātauranga hou mō ngā kaitono o i nāianei; ka whakaaetia rānei he wā tika ki ngā kaitono e oti pai ai ngā tohu mātauranga.